Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halloween Festivites


I can't remember the last time I was this excited to do something. Everything that would happen before hand was taunting me to go see llamas. For example the song "Battlefield" came on the radio and the part where it says, "go and get your armor get your armor get your armor."  I could have sworn it said go and get your llama. Next time you listen to it try saying llama. It is SO MUCH BETTER!!

So I had this unwavering desire to go and take pictures with llamas since we were going to be the "Emperor's New Groove" characters. I was lucky and found this website for a llama farm. It only costs 100 dollars a day to rent a llama- We could take one trick or treating with us!! We settled on simply visiting and taking pictures. And the website essentially says that the llamas will not spit on us, or eat us, or tackle us, or anything!! However!!- they do sneeze on you.

When we got there we could not find the entrance of the llama farm, so I had to go up to someones house in my ysma costume and ask for directions to the entrance. And this was not a normal house I almost had to ask for directions to the house because of all the fences around it. They thought I was a crazy lady...

Anyways the llama farm was AWESOME and I would recommend it to everyone. They have a creepy parrot that says hi and bye to you- definitely a selling point. An albino peacock! AND GET THIS: They have a black and white bunny- even with a stripe!

PS. Be careful the llamas will walk right up into your bubble and surprise you when you turn around. WARNING: Do not be the one to hold the bag of food- you will have more llama friends then you ever wanted and become trapped!


  1. Katie, you are the coolest!!! I LOVE your costumes and pictures. Great planning to have broccoli and I love the shoulder angel and devil! That's classic! But where's the picture of the black and white bunny?

  2. Oh you are right. I will update it!

  3. Thanks for the comment... Much more fun to blog when you have feedback!!

  4. Okay! I finally have your blog address. (I know I could have found it...but I'm fairly lazy like that.) Anyway, awesome costume idea and I love your fake eyelashes. Wish we could see you more often. Someday right? Happy Halloween Katie, Shane and Baby Daphne.

  5. OK I have read this half a dozen times and I laugh every time. Is your middle name Lucy? You keep me laughing.

  6. Oh my goodness that llama is pretty close to Daphney when she has that needle. Yikes, she looks pretty scared! Your video is awesome, but I still don't know how you could confuse that bunny...wouldn't it have to be black with a white stripe?

