Friday, February 7, 2014

What do you do all day?

So since I have graduated I have learned the value of a great major. The thing I wish most is that I had a major that "struck awe into mankind everywhere"; like Orthopedic Surgeon or really Bioinfomatition. I feel like once you say something like that people respect you, and there is a band a hyenas in their heads that say, "Ewww, say it again, say it again." Maybe it is simply the fear of big words that brings  awe... in any case the word [mom] is so easily understood to the point that people are often not quite sure how to even respond once they find out you are a full time mom. This is something that I have learned to be prepared for so that I can more easily enter a conversation "and be interesting too" so we do not always have to talk about bioinformatics at every dinner party. (although I learn more each time Shane explains it)
Anyways, I used to wonder what a full time mother did all day and believe me I do not wonder that anymore. First of all, it is often too gross to discuss openly and still keep our dream of someday being a classy lady. Second, honestly our tasks are sound tracks stuck on repeat... seriously, like do we have to sweep after EVERY meal?
So in an  effort to not bore the dinner party guests we skip over a lot of what actually goes on and just share the sweet tender moments.
So yes this video is exactly what I do ALL DAY LONG!
I didn't edit it so a bit long, feel free not to watch the whole thing....

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