The Long Awaited Arrival of Demitri Shane Dooley
I was having a normal pregnancy with slight differences from my first. These include carrying much lower and having contractions all of the third trimester. Consequently I was not surprised that on November 16th I was having many contractions. A few days before I was told by my doctor that when labor started it would proceed quickly since Demitri was so low, and I should leave as soon as I felt labor signs (I guess I should have clarified exactly what that meant). I used Shane's handy dandy contraction app on his phone to time my contractions for fun, and I was surprised that they were relatively consistent. I timed 5 contractions all about a minute long and varying from 10-12 minutes. I thought to myself wouldn't the hospital laugh if I came in with contractions that far apart. As you can read about Daphney's birth that meant she was approximately 2 days away when I had contractions that far apart. So I was really surprised when I read the next 5 contraction times.
8:31 - "I must have not timed it right."
8:24 - "That is weird."
6:19 - Show Shane my contraction record history.
4:23 - Shane packs a bag without any "I told you to have these ready"
4:36 - Whisk Daphney out of her nap and strap her into the car. (Actually I sat in the car and Shane did everything)
We dropped Daphney off at a ward members house. (Daphney ended up wearing half of their daughter's clothes because we had to pack bags so quickly). And we arrived at the hospital between 6:45 and 7pm.
At The Hospital:
They had me wait in a triage room to decide if I was going to stay. Well duh I could have told them that! They kept asking exasperating questions for while you are in labor like-
1.) What do we have going on today? - Well I am having a baby! How do you want me to expound?
2.) What do you guys have at home? - Everybody asked that wanting to know if Daphney was a girl or boy. I being in pain really wanted to start listing all the items in our home...
* I was in the middle of labor when I told Shane to text mom and tell her I was not getting an epidural. He responded, "Now?" I said, "Yes I can't do this unless I know she is thinking of me and feeling sorry for me." : D
He was born at 7:59 pm on November 16th at 7 lbs and 8.6 oz. Lucky for me he came early since my last doctor told me never to have a larger baby than Daphney who was only 6lbs and 10 oz. If he would have waited the remaining 11 days I might have been in big trouble. Demitri eats wonderfully and is already above his birth weight.