Sunday, February 16, 2014

Woes of a Second Child #2

We could do this all day baby! Correction... We "did" this all day. 

Still Learning...

WAIT... He doesn't have teeth! 


Daphney is starting to learn so many things! In this video you can see she has learned to:
1.) Walk around Demitri
2.) Maintain hygiene
3.) And Imagine...

Christmas 2013

Sorry some of these posts are really late... Can I still use the excuse that I just had a baby?- Maybe it is that I have two babies? As you can see in the video we had a ton of fun catching up with both friends and family. We also had four babies in the house (sometimes even overnight) so there were several times where there would only be four adults and everyone had a baby while we attempted to play a game or something. It was kind of crazy but so much loud FUN!

New Trampoline

For Christmas Grandpa and Grandma Dooley got the kids a trampoline, and it has really helped Daphney wear out some energy since we haven't been able to go outside much this winter. One day I went to find Daphney because she was crying and she was stuck underneath of it because of the bottom netting. She must have plowed her way underneath the net; I know this because as soon as I saved her out she stuck herself under again. She likes to read books in the trampoline and treats it like a child embassy that she uses to escape to when she knows I want to change her diaper.  

ps. It is amazing how much older she looks in the second half of the movie; she is only a month and half older though.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Painted the Kitchen

Picture the kitchen with dark green leaves above
 the cupboard and burlap curtains above the sink!

This project we did when I was 36 weeks pregnant. Bad idea I had contractions from then on, and I could barely tell that they changed into real labor. It was so nice to do something to make our house feel more like our own and not the previous owners. 

Okay so it is hard to see the difference in some of these pictures, with the exception of I had time to clean before I photographed the improved green walled kitchen. But what hairstyle book doesn't cheat like that? Anyways, we love it and it makes the kitchen feel so much warmer! 

Final Product

New Art Inspiration

So is it bad if I really like this image and saved it on my computer so I can use parts of it for art in the future?
The colors are gorgeous together...

Friday, February 7, 2014

What do you do all day?

So since I have graduated I have learned the value of a great major. The thing I wish most is that I had a major that "struck awe into mankind everywhere"; like Orthopedic Surgeon or really Bioinfomatition. I feel like once you say something like that people respect you, and there is a band a hyenas in their heads that say, "Ewww, say it again, say it again." Maybe it is simply the fear of big words that brings  awe... in any case the word [mom] is so easily understood to the point that people are often not quite sure how to even respond once they find out you are a full time mom. This is something that I have learned to be prepared for so that I can more easily enter a conversation "and be interesting too" so we do not always have to talk about bioinformatics at every dinner party. (although I learn more each time Shane explains it)
Anyways, I used to wonder what a full time mother did all day and believe me I do not wonder that anymore. First of all, it is often too gross to discuss openly and still keep our dream of someday being a classy lady. Second, honestly our tasks are sound tracks stuck on repeat... seriously, like do we have to sweep after EVERY meal?
So in an  effort to not bore the dinner party guests we skip over a lot of what actually goes on and just share the sweet tender moments.
So yes this video is exactly what I do ALL DAY LONG!
I didn't edit it so a bit long, feel free not to watch the whole thing....

We went sledding!

In the Driveway... 

      These are pictures of our little puff ball all set and ready to go out with mom.

I am so excited I just cant hold still!

Ugh... are you ready yet...

This one is the Puss in Boots on Shrek face!

Woes of the Second Child

Notice  anything strange about this photo?  Watch video to see more...