Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Demitri 's Prayer

Tonight I asked the children who wanted to say the prayer on dinner. And Demitri surprisingly enthusiastically exclaimed "ME!" (I didn't even know he knew that pronoun)
Normally Demitri will mimic us by mumbling something after us but tonight he was so cute and determined.
He clasped his hands together and leaned his nose against his intwined fingers and fervently prayed after everything I said repeating only two distinct words.... "Daddy home".

Guess who came home early to work from home because of some predicted stormy weather.

My sick son sleeping with his daddy.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Three year old Rite of Passage

A year and a half ago while shopping at Walmart with Daphney and baby Demitri a gentleman who had been watching me struggle with my children approached me to share some knowledge.
:"You always hear about the terrible twos but what they should be telling you about is the horrible threes. It only gets worse." 
I kindly thanked the man for the unasked for positive encouragement to give up now and informed him my daughter was still six months from turning two. I shook off the look he wore so clearly reading of, oh man you are really in for it then...

I should have heeded the warning.

Today my daughter officially graduated to the class of horrible three year-olds the moment she crossed the threshold into the waiting room for her three year old "well" child check.

Just picture Daphney losing it when asked the rediculous request to remove her shoes in an attempt to be weighed. I am talking flaling bawling on the floor ugly cry until I attempted to lift her up (without straining any stomach muscles) in turn she ran out of there yelling "I just want to go home." (This happened twice before the nurse gave up and said maybe we will come back to this.)

Suffice it to say we didn't accomplish anything until the doctor came in for reinforcement. Then I held her down with my legs and held her arms while my screaming child had her heart rate measured. (I am sure that was an accurate depiction of the normal rate)

After that the doctor asked Demitri and I to leave with her out of the room thinking that if Daphney knew that we would only come in if she would calm down that it would help. This didn't work on account of what she wanted was to be rid of med staff so this was great and more of a gift. When we got out there the doctor turned to me and said "what is going on?" 
You tell me Doc! -because personally I think she may be broken... In reality I replied again..."I am sorry; I really have never seen this happen".

After returning into the room: again picture Daphney flailing on the floor while thrashing all her limbs. The doctor trying to talk her down says, "Do not kick! Do you like it when people kick you, because I can kick you too!" I understand my daughter deserved it but it was funny realizing what point we were now at. I think  the doctor realized it too by my unsuccessfully surpressed snicker, because following that she said, "maybe I will just give you some alone time with her." In my head I thought - yeah that might be best for both parties... 

Happier note: We accomplished all the tasks eventually and we don't have to do this again till she is four! And she is still in the 99th percentile for height out of default on account of a hundreth percentile not being a possibility.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Pete The Cat

So this video is from at least 6 months ago... I don't even remember making it, but I found it on my camera and I know Jenny will at least like it. :D

It is long and unedited but still fun to watch. I now know not to record so close to the subject; sorry about the blurriness.

Just Gotta Dance

I guess I haven't taught my kids how to follow directions? Either they are not crowd followers or disobedient children but Cute No Matter What!

Blue Period

It was quiet for a minute so I yelled down the stairs to Daphney, "Are you being good?" (Commonly answered with a mumbling that means no.) However, this time she pleasantly replied "I am just drawing pretty pictures for you!"

Sunday, September 6, 2015

ER Visit

Yesterday Shane took me to the Emergency Room, because I had some pain in my stomach that made it very painful to move. And I was forced to answer questions like- "so how did this pain start?" Shane started to answer that I over exerted myself but then I gave him the eye reminding him that I had sworn him to secrecy. I began giving short to the point answers...

How did this happen?
       -I decided to run, momentarily.
Why were you running?
       -... well I wasn't out for a jog. I just took three steps before I felt the pain.
Were you running after your son?
       - No.
Were you running after your husband?
      - No, just a three step run and then OUCH! Okay?!
Are you a runner?
      - No obviously not. Not now, probably not ever; I can't even take three steps without hurting myself....
How is your pain?
      - 8ish (I thought that still left room for more) But she seemed surprised and like she judged me for never having pain before. But really who goes to the ER for a 3? 

Important Part: The baby is fine.  Heart beat is great. My contractions increased from 8 minutes apart to 3 to 4 minutes apart while I was being monitored. The nurse came in and in the same sentence said well your contractions are close together but don't seem to be painful so you can go home if you are comfortable with that. (In my head I thought are you crazy woman?) 

I think we will use a wheel chair.
       - since I can't move my legs that would be great. That or a gurney...

So the "Rest"/Intro of the story:
What really happened... Well, my darn neighbor is a Nebraska Husker fan and he had his stinking flag a flying super confidently in front of his house in honor of the game against BYU later that day. So I wanted to knock that flag down a few pegs! While my family sat in the car wondering where mom was going, I grabbed Daphney's blue chalk that was lying there in the driveway and marched over to his house and quickly vandalized his driveway with some BYU propoganda.. Just something simple- "GO BYU". However when I was finishing the letter U I heard someone coming, and you know he probably has loads of mormon friends that could have tagged his driveway right?- so if I just ran away he would never know. I looked around for my family who should have known to pull the get away car up, but they were just looking  at me like I had gone crazy, so I made a run for the car. (If you count three steps as a run...)  

That is it, okay world...? Yes it was a stupid silly thing that has immobilized me. Glad I wasn't being chased by a bear. I wish I could say I was saving a toddler out of the road or something heroic but wait I do that  every other day. I guess it was just my off day. 

PS. BYU WON!- Didn't get to see the game though, because I can't walk to my neighbor's house to watch it....