Friday, September 28, 2018

Backyard Fun

We love our lazy days at home.

Outside Our House

 Yay, Summer is in full swing and we are managing to make it out and about now.
During the summers they have lunches around in schools and at parks and we made a point to hit up a couple. It was so fun to be able to take Daphney to lunch and teach her how to use a tray and such before she starts going to school full days. 

All wet from the splash pad. 

Thursday, September 27, 2018


 Chick Fil A: Dress Like a Cow Day!!- We may have hit up two different restaurants...  LUNCH AND DINNER BOOM BABY!!

This event was so much fun because I told Demitri if they knew we were not really cows we would not get free food, so the kids sold their role and kept their masks on really well as they slinked into the restaurant. Paisley always faced her mask the wrong way which was real funny.

I told them to squeeze their faces together: meaning move in, but she took it personally. 

Enjoying the rewards of the summer reading program with our ice cream coupons. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Fourth of July

Jenny is an amazing aunt and was painting everyone's nails. 

We went on an awesome canoe trip with the family. This is us on the way there. All the kids were in another vehicle so needless to say it was a party! (Probably in both cars...)

I love all the love in all of these pictures but this one of Abi enjoying holding Kendrik is priceless.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Summer Crazies

They are getting a bit big... DAD IS GREAT!!

Oh the trouble these two get into... Yes she likes his clothes. He is raising her to be just like him. They were supposed to be napping, but I did allow them one last hug before being separated again. The whispering has me worried though. 

We love the zoo~ It was hard with four kids though.I don't remember why but I do remember thinking I should never go back. We have...

Picking Beets at Granddad's Garden

I am going to pretend I do not know what this is really supposed to say. They don't need to like me everyday?

Two Months Old!

Yeah no words.... He is just the Best!


So we live by churches and love it. So many free community building activities to crash. Haha No really they had root beer floats, dinner, and bubbles. However, every time they throw a party it gets rained out... no stormed out! I don't know if it is a sign? But we love attending. 

Our giant bubbles!


Oh the adventures begin when they see mom is busy with Kendrik. 

Picture Day!!

This girl is one of the most spirited ornery little two year olds. She ate my icecream the other day and as she came out from her hiding place behind the couch said, "but mom I am being sneaky!" 
Her and Demitri opened all those pops downstairs and dumped out the water in the bottles so they could fill them with soda. It is just water in there now right? So sneaky!

Mom can I help you with the dishes?

Sweet Baby Love!

Oh all the squshies!!