Thursday, November 29, 2012

Shane's Major


We are so PROUD of him!

Daphney and I had the chance to attend a conference in which Shane presented his poster that discussed the tool that Shane programed. His program "Variant Compare" displays similarities and differences of variant call format files. This helps medically somehow...  something like knowing what genes are in common between people with diseases that non diseased people don't have. Ask him for more information!

Thanksgiving In Idaho

The neighbor Kim and her daughter who is a month 
older than Daphney came over to play for a while. 
It was so much fun to watch Holly play basketball. Her team won both games we saw. Good luck Holly!!

We went to the King Tut museum in Idaho Falls
and look who we ran into! It was wonderful!
Daphney learning how to computer program with Dad.

Daphney was being all fussy until Holly set her up in her play pin and turned on the song,
"I can ride my bike with no handlebars". Then she was content as can be. 

Beautiful Leaves

                                       Almost 4 months old!         _________Shane, Daphney, and I were outside avoiding scary deer that had surrounded me when all of a sudden Shane happened upon these wonderful leaves. They have such a gorgeous shimmer for it being so late in the fall season. Daphney was cautious in studying the leaves, and did not smile very much, but in the end we had a fun time playing in the leaves together. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halloween Festivites


I can't remember the last time I was this excited to do something. Everything that would happen before hand was taunting me to go see llamas. For example the song "Battlefield" came on the radio and the part where it says, "go and get your armor get your armor get your armor."  I could have sworn it said go and get your llama. Next time you listen to it try saying llama. It is SO MUCH BETTER!!

So I had this unwavering desire to go and take pictures with llamas since we were going to be the "Emperor's New Groove" characters. I was lucky and found this website for a llama farm. It only costs 100 dollars a day to rent a llama- We could take one trick or treating with us!! We settled on simply visiting and taking pictures. And the website essentially says that the llamas will not spit on us, or eat us, or tackle us, or anything!! However!!- they do sneeze on you.

When we got there we could not find the entrance of the llama farm, so I had to go up to someones house in my ysma costume and ask for directions to the entrance. And this was not a normal house I almost had to ask for directions to the house because of all the fences around it. They thought I was a crazy lady...

Anyways the llama farm was AWESOME and I would recommend it to everyone. They have a creepy parrot that says hi and bye to you- definitely a selling point. An albino peacock! AND GET THIS: They have a black and white bunny- even with a stripe!

PS. Be careful the llamas will walk right up into your bubble and surprise you when you turn around. WARNING: Do not be the one to hold the bag of food- you will have more llama friends then you ever wanted and become trapped!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Daphney's New Trick

Sometimes I do this on accident, but it is really handy when she is crying. : D It never gets old!!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

More Fall Pictures!

Bridal Veil Falls!


This beautiful conference weekend we were able to spend a lot of time with the Dooley Family. While Shane was at work and school we hiked bridal veil falls, and it was gorgeous during this fall season. It was an easy and enjoyable hike; however I am terrified of heights and the edge is right next to you as you hike, so a little more scary compared to other hikes we have done. Enjoy the pictures!

Sarah (Their foreign exchange student from Germany) and I 
Kirk pretending to fall down the mountain

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fall Outing

Daphney gets to go on the dates too for now...

Shane decided to take me out on a date to see all of the beautiful fall colors. It was wonderful, and the pictures do not do it justice.
Cute Deer Family

Pictures always have Shane and Daphney, because I have the camera.
Yay! - for one with Mother and Daughter.

2nd Month Compilation

Watch this VIDEO to see photos and videos of Daphney in her 2nd month!!!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Elicia's Wedding

This picture is of Daphney with her parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. It was super nice that Pam's parents were able to make it up from St. George to celebrate the wedding.

Elicia's wedding was gorgeous and turned out just perfect after a few hiccups the day before. We are so happy for both of them! They are living in Provo with us for a while so we are excited to have them to play with more.

Family Hugs All-Around!

Spud Days

The theme was a "Toast to the Town"
For my whole life of being around apartment 94 boys from Glenwood, I have heard a lot about the famous Shelley Idaho Spud Days. This year I was finally able to make it to the event, but sadly missed a lot of it. We only made it to the 2 HOUR long parade, and then Daphney and I were very hot and tired and decided to  go home. Lame right? Next time we will have to be more tough and make it to the other festivities like the mashed potato pit tug of war. 

Scary looking potato mascot

Poor Daphney did really well and was
 not bothered by all of the loud sirens. 

This one teacher had a float for all of
 the string music students she taught. 

Daphney chilling with Dad and Grandpa.
All thoroughly exhausted from the days events. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Watch Daphney Grow

These are three pictures of Daphney throughout her month and a half life. She actually looks about the same size in these photos, but she is really quite big now and getting more difficult to carry around. 

As we are leaving the hospital. (2 days old)

She used to always sleep (2 weeks old)
Learning to dislike car seat unless dad is
 swinging her in it.  (6-7 weeks old)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Relaxing with Mom

 Daphney and I love to take naps together. It is never anything more than a nap because that would require more than 3 consecutive hours; however, napping with my daughter is one of my favorite things. I hope she turns out to be a snuggler. I could not help posting this picture of her completely relaxed on our bed. Doesn't it just tempt you to come over and attack her with tickles?

I love this surprised face!

I also have an addiction of taking pictures of Daphney. I want to capture and hold onto every moment. I hope you don't get tired of them!

Daphney's Blessing Day

Proud Parents and Grandparents

Part of the group at the luncheon after church.

Lion King Pose

She is so stinking cute!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Apple Party!!

Mom and Dad totally look like a newly married couple. Glad to still see the love! Notice the                                 apples above Jake's head. We devoured a ton of apples with a delicious fruit dip. 

I have wanted to have this "Apple Party" for quite a while now, and my when my family finally came out we were able to make it a reality! The schedule was as follows: First everyone chose an apple that they predicted would be voted the best tasting apple. Then after we had cut and peeled the apple to disguise their type we were all able to try 7 different kinds of apples. 

During the tasting competition we would each try the apple slice savor it and then clean our pallet for the next one. However, mom was taking forever and constantly falling behind. It was not until it was over that we realized that mom was taking this seriously with two categories to judge on both juiciness and taste. : D As a family we voted Braeburn apples as the best and that is the one that Shane had chosen as the number one apple. Daphney's apple the red delicious that she chose out of default got last. 

Next, on the schedule was to play apples to apples. We had a debate on the correct way to play the game. Is the idea to choose what card most accurately fits the category or the card we like the best because it is the most funny? Any opinions?

Last we watched the newer snow white animated movie, called MIRROR MIRROR. It was kind of cheesy but alot of fun!

Weekend in Idaho

Summer Christmas!

The weekend before school started we decided to make one more quick trip to Idaho to celebrate the end of summer before hitting the books again. It was a lot of fun, and Daphney enjoyed being smothered with family all competing to hold her. Pam, Holly, and Sarah went to town and bought a good amount of outside games we could play. Holly called it Summer Christmas because we had so many new toys to play with. One of the biggest hits was a five dollar wiffle ball pitching machine. We had a wonderful time trying to hit the ball and yet keep it within the yard and out of the giant spruce trees and canal.