Friday, September 28, 2012

Spud Days

The theme was a "Toast to the Town"
For my whole life of being around apartment 94 boys from Glenwood, I have heard a lot about the famous Shelley Idaho Spud Days. This year I was finally able to make it to the event, but sadly missed a lot of it. We only made it to the 2 HOUR long parade, and then Daphney and I were very hot and tired and decided to  go home. Lame right? Next time we will have to be more tough and make it to the other festivities like the mashed potato pit tug of war. 

Scary looking potato mascot

Poor Daphney did really well and was
 not bothered by all of the loud sirens. 

This one teacher had a float for all of
 the string music students she taught. 

Daphney chilling with Dad and Grandpa.
All thoroughly exhausted from the days events. 

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