Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013: Peter Pan

Shane: Peter Pan (He agreed on account that his costume would be cool and manly). Oh man did I lose sleep over trying to figure out how to accomplish that one. 

Katie: Captain Hook- So I love to try and make the costumes for as cheap as possible. (It is part of the thrill) But that is why I do not have an awesome Captain Hook hat.

Daphney: Tinkerbell- So a day before our ward Halloween party I had Daphney try on her costume. She hated the wings and cried and cried when I put them on her. Luckily Shane got home from work and talked her into thinking they were gangster like her turquoise shoes.   
ps. What mother in her right mind would let her daughter be Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell is a little self-centered punk; I found that out too late. 

Baby Dooley: Lost Boy- Can't wait to finally see him in just under 4 weeks now! Our neighbor just had a baby that was 9 lbs and 13 oz. She said it was a breeze and only took 4 pushes. Yikes, I am not asking for that easy of a time just not dying would be wonderful!

Taking pictures was again a struggle because we don't know anyone that we feel comfortable being stupid around and we don't want to ruin any potential friendships. But, Daphney was a lot of fun and has a funny fake laugh. You'll notice in one of the last pictures her and I are doing our "throw back" laugh. That one is my favorite laugh, because it is so freeing to just throw back your head and laugh. Another of my favorite pictures is one where she looks like a squirrel just threw an acorn at her head; you should be able to tell which one that is by her face. 

Peter Pan Movie Night!

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