Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Shane's Favorite Christmas Present!


So basically my daughter's excitement at being at the zoo and my sons excitement... He didn't really cry ever but just looked super bored the entire time!

One point we couldn't find Daphney and soon found her very well camouflaged hiding behind a twig.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Helmet Adventures

Had to post this for you Jenny! Listen closely!
Favorite Storage 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Date Night

Do we need a babysitter just for simple date nights?!

No; easy simple date night to Panda Express, Petco, and Costco for milk. Bota-boom bota-bang

When we were going through the food line two of the servers were talking and began laughing at a joke. It was kind of a high pitch snicker that barely registered until Daphney turned to me and said, "Mommy I hear a horse." She hit it right on!

The dinner was wonderful. Almost like the old days except we need to leave tips even at fast food joints maybe we should start leaving them everywhere we go... Daphney spilled her water- everywhere: bench and floor so I guess it could have been worse. But she spilled it on my pants and her own so her continually removing her pants throughout dinner should have been expected. We had to switch tables.

Demitri is our climber now and trying to keep him on the bench is near impossible. Most of the time he spent choking as he chugged my water and grabbed at my food. However, when we got in the car he was still screeching for the crackers we have stored in the car. Not sure that much rice actually made it into his mouth rather than on the table.

Petco was okay except for choking a cat and learning to climb ladders that they have conveniently located around the store.

At Costco we wished that we had bought a leash at Petco. I turned around at one point and Daphney had stolen a mans cart and was running away as he chased her. They kindly commented how cute she was... I could have chosen a few different adjectives.

When leaving Costco we ordered two berry smoothies thinking we could "share" them with the kids. We ended up driving home with both of the smoothies in the back seat. But it is okay because it appeases them and we know by this time those straws are chewed flat as can be and there will still be some drink when we arrive at home. Be thankful next time you don't have to share your straw with little chompers.

On the car ride home I thought about how Shane and I used to enjoy kissing to fill time during red lights. Dangerous right? I don't know if the danger has decreased, but we now crank the music and throw dance parties pretending that we don't have children behind us screaming, "No not this song!". Is she really old enough to have a preference? It reminds me of the fits I would throw when dad would put his this type of music on repeat! I think my fits are still justified...

Seriously, how does life while discreet change so dramatically?!

ps. Shane still opened my car door so we still had the situations under control.

Two Lightning Mcqueens

Daphney is real big into backwards hats!

They usually go different directions until they realize the other didn't follow.

Yeah sure go ahead and Kiss Me...

Memories for Tomorrow

I was playing a guessing game the other day with my cousins and they said the verb was something that I had written about on my blog. I guessed sweeping, picking up trash, knocking on the door... Some of the younger cousins began to laugh, and thinking I had forgot the clue said seriously do you write about those things. Sadly yes apparently I do- maybe I have a boring life or am just too sheltered that ordinary things make a big impact and I can't help to write them down.

* This is a weird thing to write about...

It has been snowy and cold here, but I am so grateful I ventured out on this particular blustery day.

I saw awesome human skill!

Maybe those of you who live in big towns have seen this before, but I have never seen anything with such precision and synchronicity. After I figured out how to get out of the way I watched with awe as five giant snowplows entered my street. They lined up in all lanes of the road and the snow would be scrapped up by one plow and then the next would be there to catch it and pass it on down the line. I watched them as they worked like dancers changing formation as lanes were added and taken away all plows working together to in one swipe remove the snow from the entire road. Seriously one of the coolest shows of teamwork in the career field. 

Second great experience I have had recently was playing hide and go seek with Shane and Daphney. It was so wonderful because my daughter does not quite understand it yet and keeps it real interesting.


Shane and I sitting in the toy room eyes shut counting to 10... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7-  
Daphney comes running into the room "Here I am; you found me!"

After a couple failed attempts at making it to ten she finally got the concept of waiting to be found. Surprised that she had not yet come in to congratulate us on finding her, we got up to search for her. I was prepared to act like I couldn't find her and pretend that even though I see that giant lump in the blanket it couldn't possibly be her hiding under there. However, then I spotted her grinning from ear to ear hiding, by sitting on the couch in the open, watching us look for her. How do you even fake not being able to find her?! She obviously needs more practice at that game!

Lastly I just wanted to update you all on my son. He LOVES his helmet and I just recently repainted it during our long Christmas road trip.  I know exactly how many bumps there are between here and my Grandparent's house! Demitri now complains if I take it off, and spends the next ten minutes scratching his head trying to figure out who put that hair on there. I have seen him use his helmet to catch himself when he falls, and to help him balance on his head. One of his favorite things to do is conk his head into the wall/fireplace/my nose and laugh and laugh;probably because he knows he broke my nose and he feels no pain at all. :) The other day I saw him balancing a child sized basketball in the hole of his helmet on the top of his head. He will surely miss that helmet! Originally I had thought that in some way I had caused or allowed this terrible trial to come into my sons life but I should have known that all trials are also blessings and blessings are also trials. Both trials and blessing are part of the plan for us to find happiness. I am so grateful for my son's happy attitude through this blessing/trial! 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Just your Typical New Years

 Shane and James intently watched a show illustrating how babies are born... Just kidding! But they were adorable watching GATCA together on the floor for some reason.

 Mom, Dad, Heidi, and I played pitch for a few hands. We had one final match up to break the tie and find out who the real champs were. These two hands are Moms and Dads; they were not too happy!

As you can see Heidi started to drift off so we had to liven things up by you know stacking blocks using our elbows, toes, and heels. We decided heels give you the best workout. Just Trust Us!!