Friday, March 4, 2016

Baby makes Three

 Okay clearly we all love our baby!(She has a multiple posts just so we can see her cute baby cheeks) -4 months
Unfinished blog post from three weeks post Paisley- "Look out world I am now a stay at home mom of three. Some moments are really hard and I feel spent like if one more person asks anything of me I just might crack. 
And then subtle things will happen and I am reminded that I love this crazy life. Yesterday we went to the park in a stroller built for two. Demitri is in a stage of I am too big for stroller which would be great if he wasn't a pin ball darting in every direction. After a few failed attempts of trying to hold him onto my back I gave up and put him on my shoulders while I pushed the girls in the stroller. His sweaty little palms smashed my hair across my face and eyes, he pushed against my head causing it to be cocked, and he kept putting the stem of his leaf in my nostrils on accident. Cars slowed and stared or laughed as they drove by. And their happiness reminded me of how lucky I was. I wouldn't trade the opportunity to be the one who gives all that I can to these kids."

                       First two teeth did a number on sleeping but who sleeps at slumber parties?  -5 months
Demitri took this photo. He had a lesson on aiming. This was one of very few that didn't have the ceiling in it, but Paisley was ready for it!

She has proven to be quite durable and patient with all of us. Demitri is constantly kissing her and hugging her and Daphney has turned into quite the protective sister. 

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