It is very weird to love a pet ferret more than any other animal she could check out and after a lengthy stay of three months we return him only to again place a hold on him the following day. Click to view past post on pet ferret.
Demitri's is even better though....

See that big fluffy lion behind him?- that is not his new best friend. No Demitri has been carrying around ZuBah; said with three syllables and a strong B sound. But he also goes by "fake worm" (Pictured in his right hand). My sons new favorite friend is a fake fishing worm that he found in his dads tackle box. Fake worm has done everything with Demitri the past few days- except anything to do with water because of a fear of drowning.
I think we need to get a puppy before Paisley decides to top these two goons.
Just recently Demitri accidentally pulled the worm in half... it was a major breakdown. The band-aid really pulls off the worm look though!
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