Friday, May 12, 2017

Family Update

This little guy is growing up fast! He is a planner!!
- He is always laying out his clothes all over his floor so that he can pick out his weeks/summers worth of outfits complete with underwear and socks... Sadly that organization never lasts long, because he has a little sister, so really I am an organizer too and have to clean it all back up to support his habit.
- He also has his whole birthday planned out... It is still far away!
- In the second picture he said, "Look at my SALAD mom!" -anything is healthy if you call it a salad!
- Oh and he is in the stage of saying the best prayers! -not always in this order but he always prays, "Thank you for elk, deer, turkeys, Halloween, and Christmas. Thank you for superheroes, trucks, and princesses." -What more does a boy need?!

So this is new at our house. Not the best comparison pictures, but we went from a small rickety table and folding chairs whose seats were cracked and falling apart to a new table and chairs set! It has made a huge difference; like learning each others names so we can ask for food to be passed now! Thank you craigslist!!

Paisley is our "way-too-capable" baby! (Baby locks should have been tested by her.) She now is staying in this toddler bed rather than crawling out of her crib. Oh and she eats everything disgusting!!! Not joking- dipping toilet paper into the toilet and sucking the water dry, taking a spoon to the house plant's dirt to name a couple. AND look at these poor crayons! At least she leaves the sharp end for us to still use. Nothing is safe, but nothing feels neglected around her not even dirt. 
 Some days I get all the challenging, dangerous, and gross things put away and then she just gets bored...  [see the movie]
And this is why people include family pets into the chaos of family pictures. Demitri has never smiled so well! We are dog-sitting two puppies this week, clearly we need just one more dog.

Daphney and I love our one on one time during nap time. I LOVE that she didn't attend preschool! Who needs school when you can just stay at home and take art lessons from mom?! We need to invest in a paper company though... we clearly keep them in business.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Girls Night Out!

This was so much fun! I was afraid Daphney would only enjoy five minutes, but she loved the whole thing (with the exception of the scary witch transition scene). What a fun night getting to hang with   my daughter who was eating up the show almost as much as my mom who gushed over every perfect hand position!  

Easter Eggstravaganza

"Demitri Dooley you have won a  Spider-man Scooter!" In that moment Demitri's life was complete and I began my prepping for Daphney's disappointment. I started trying to explain probability (apparently every kid wanted to enter to win that doll regardless of the number of entries) and talking up how happy another girl might be. My speech of not shooting for your dreams because of the number of fish in the pool was luckily cut short when they called "Daphney Dooley" and she skipped up to collect her prize. Never have I been so happy to be proven wrong. I hope she always shoots for her dreams no matter the difficulty ahead!
Okay seriously this is quite a difficult hunt! 

Paisley loved the games there and totally worked the baby card in order to get handfuls of candy! She loved the pocket of her overalls. 

We loved being able to hold these baby chicks!