Saturday, September 23, 2017

Bus Life Now

So Pre-Bus-Time usually I am hurrying Daphney to shove
in a very nutritious lunch of pizza rolls and goldfish. 

But when she returns she has very committed watchers who even
 have a difficult time napping for fear they might not wake up in time. 

 These two are so cute together. They are starting to look more and more like twins.

 Picture Day: We compromised with this dress and brand new necklace so that she would not wear her fanciest velvety dress to school.
It has been a few days since picture day, and I decided not to order a picture since I take lots of pictures all the time. Daphney and I had this conversation: "Mom, Avalynn won picture day!" "What do you mean she won?" "Her picture was so cute that they gave her a big picture of herself. I didn't win... I didn't have a rainbow dress like her." Haha poor thing. 
Another funny conversation with Daphney: "Mom, me, Bear, and Rock are the biggest in our class." "So you mean Brock?" "No Bear and Rock... I know they are weird names but their parents had to name them something!" -Haha true! 

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