Tuesday, November 21, 2017

They are NEVER Preoccupied

I am trying to be more high maintenance. 

Not the hard core own everything and act like the world revolves around you kind who would be incomplete without makeup. One who makes dentist appointments and fixes her broken glasses at some point maybe even gets a hair cut occasionally. But, I took a check your maintenance level test and scored 2 out of 100, and decided it was time to start doing a few more things for myself.

Time for Showering is Asking Too Much!

I showered and you know what that got me?!
    My daughter knocked the sugar container out of the food closet- accident right! SO then the three kiddos cleaned it up by putting it into bowls and used giant spoons to eat it when suddenly my daughter tripped, because who eats sugar while sitting down securely (No I imagine it was a dance party!) and sugar is now trapsed across the kitchen. I swept and MOPED yesterday and believe me I can't say I mop very often either.... You mostly clean that up and you find more bowls of sugar in the FRIDGE! ("save the fun for later... I am sure mom will want something to do this afternoon")

   Then I spent time feeding the two year old and the entire superhero collection, stuffing coloring books into my four year olds pants so that his hands are free to collect and scatter crayons more effectively up the stairs, and picking up the pregnancy manual that my five year old was reading because she loves babies. Good morning it is 8 o-clock and yes my life will be full of these activities all day.

Who wants to shower when life is so WONDERFUL!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Fall Festivities

Room on the broom! When they can manage to work together and share for a moment a picture needs to be taken! What cute little witches riding backward...!

This girl is very capable and never stops exploring boundaries. One of my favorite things is she always says "OH" so seriously. You should not pee on the floor. "Oh". She also is totally spoiled by her siblings and now has learned how to get attention. She purposefully falls into the toilet, falls on the floor, or digs in the house plants, not for fun but so she can be a damsel in distress and call for help. "Oh no dirty!" She loves her dad more than anyone especially playing Hulk Smash with him, but it is funny everytime she hears Dad is home she responds with, "OH NO dad home!" This fall she has had us sit next to the curb and watch cars pass by. She gets such a thrill out of waving at them. I love that she helps us slow life down and enjoy the simple pleasures. 
Yes these were not our Halloween costumes just our October everyday wear for while the costumes were being cleaned.  
In the middle of a parking lot... You don't stop to take family pictures in a parking lot?! 

Halloween Trolls!

We went to a different neighborhood to trick or treat and the kids did GREAT!! TOO GREAT!!! We just kept going and going until we were so lost! We had to call Shane to come pick us up and search for our car. He was impressed with the distance we traveled!
Hug Time Rings! (also great for dark Halloween nights!)

Shane: King Gristle Jr. 
Katie: Chef
Daphney: Princess Poppy
Demitri: Branch
Paisley: Bridget (bergen scullery maid)
       So recently I have discovered this pet peeve which I didn't know I had.... PEOPLE LAUGHING AT ME!! They do it all the time. They go so slow in the grocery store as they stand and get humor out of me emptying the cart of unwanted items the kids keep throwing in- yet another string cheese... Or they snicker as I try to have a conversation with the pharmacist as one of my children tries to open boxes upon boxes of band-aids and I can't afford that many band-aids. They laugh as my son tackles and drags Paisley across the soccer fields in his haste to help her choose the right.
       Okay I get it I understand my life is ridiculous and probably would laugh too (maybe tomorrow), but some days people laughing at my daily struggle grinds on me. And yes I do know that is why you are reading this blog... I give you permission to laugh. It is different with strangers.  
       However, the other day I had to go to the store with all three kids right before the ward Halloween Party. We had three things to get; in and out no problem- who needs a cart for three things. We do what has to be done; so we entered in our troll costumes.
       I am so used to the snickers that it didn't hit me while I was chasing Paisley who was escaping into the street and consequently I couldn't react to my son who was yelling for me to help him as he was coming out of the bathroom without his pants pulled up all the while I had left Daphney to pay for the food in hopes that everything was being rung up right by the cashier. This is everyday life, but yes people were definitely laughing more.... because we were in costume? because as an adult I was in costume?

Then it hit me: What is funnier than a mom with crazy fun kids? 
A bergen who can't seem to catch her trolls! What a trip! No wonder trolls get eaten!  

Eating Trolls on a stick! #Troll Happiness

We carved pumpkins this year (not pictured) but Demitri chose a scary witch to carve out. "Do you know why I picked that one mom?" No son why? "It is scary enough to scare away all the ants!"

On a firetruck! Yes we did Halloween all October! Oh and we won a costume contest for most creative costume Daph thinks that means the 'most cutest', but I know what creative means... As an artist when people can't tell what the heck you created they say, "wow that is creative!" It is kind of like looking at dinner and saying "wow that looks... healthy!"  It is the adjective people use when they can't come up with anything else. lol We were excited none the less!

Balloon Races