He is Finally Finished!!
The picture to the right is the first of a series I took of Jake shaking hands with the community in the grad line. Quiz: How can you tell it is the first picture? Hint: he is still posing for me!
Jake is now working hard to prepare to serve a mission in Londrina Brazil!! He leaves for the Brazil MTC to learn Portuguese on September 11th, 2012!!! We are so excited for him!
Grandpa and Jake beating each other up after the graduation. : )
The graduation party for Jake afterwords was amazing, and of coarse we did not want anyone to go hungry so we ate it for days following. It was so good!! I did not trust my ability to make the fajita small enough to fit into the wrap so I always ate mine like a chipolte dinner. Oh, and the favorite neighbor lady brought over her famous brownies for dessert!!!
My baby LOVES the grandparents cooking!!
My FAVORITE picture!! What is she going to do without you for two years?! |