Thursday, February 19, 2015

Pet Mouse

See this almost scary amount of love that she has for that purple stuffed animal. It is kind of a strange purple monster thing that she calls a mouse. We happened to not bring it to Demitri's doctor appointment today. So my shy daughter who hates to talk to strangers braved her fears and kept creeping up to everyone (the secretary, patients, nurses, doctors). After she would creep up to someone she would whisper, "Where's my mouse?- You seen my mouse?". Everyone kept looking at me shocked and with the expression of did your daughter really just let lose a mouse at the doctors office. :D It was kind of crazy...

Okay I had to add this on:

So Daphney got a sticker for being so "great" at the doctors, and I noticed later that she had stuck it on her leg and it was covered by her pants. Weird placement, but then we went to Target and Daphney was turning on the conveyor belts and playing with the red phone in the empty cashier stand, so our cashier kindly offered her another sticker (You know for all her good choices). I asked Daphney if she was going to stick it next to her other sticker and she responded, "no mom it goes right here" as she proudly plopped it onto her belly button and trotted off happy as can be. I love how logical those placements are to her. It is so fun to see her becoming smart at things and so it is funny when they don't quite make since.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Oatmeal Parade

I was just trying to practice children's hymns on the piano. I noticed it was kind of quiet so I called out to Daphney, "Are you okay?" She quickly responded, "FINE!" I was two lines into the song...CHOOSE THE RIGHT WAY, and be HAPPY.... I decided I should go check on the two munchkins and see if my hymns were having any effect on their behavior. As I walked into the kitchen Daphney knowing she was about to be caught sprinted away with a parade of oatmeal cereal following her. Not just any oatmeal but the kind made to mix into a babies' bottle. It is kind of like having a quart jar of pixie stick sugar coating your table, chairs, stuck to yesterdays juice spills on the floor,  and packed with slobber in between their fingers, toes, and hair.... and now the oatmeal parade was sprinting across the carpet.  

End of story: I REALLY LOVE my kids- in an insane, illogical, this is too much work to pay off but we are going to keep them anyway sort of way!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Train Whistle

 We are finally getting it! -kind of....
Grandad made these cool whistles with their names burnt into them for Christmas!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

We really like the ZOO!



 Demitri has been okayed for periods without the helmet and I was so excited to dress my son up in little hats. 

Darn good thing we only had to wear the helmet for 9 months NOT this adorable little hat!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Finally Got the Kids Wish List Updated!- so that all of the things we received from Christmas are removed and some neat learning and summer activities are added.

We need some spring birthdays in our family!