Thursday, February 12, 2015

Oatmeal Parade

I was just trying to practice children's hymns on the piano. I noticed it was kind of quiet so I called out to Daphney, "Are you okay?" She quickly responded, "FINE!" I was two lines into the song...CHOOSE THE RIGHT WAY, and be HAPPY.... I decided I should go check on the two munchkins and see if my hymns were having any effect on their behavior. As I walked into the kitchen Daphney knowing she was about to be caught sprinted away with a parade of oatmeal cereal following her. Not just any oatmeal but the kind made to mix into a babies' bottle. It is kind of like having a quart jar of pixie stick sugar coating your table, chairs, stuck to yesterdays juice spills on the floor,  and packed with slobber in between their fingers, toes, and hair.... and now the oatmeal parade was sprinting across the carpet.  

End of story: I REALLY LOVE my kids- in an insane, illogical, this is too much work to pay off but we are going to keep them anyway sort of way!

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