Friday, October 30, 2015

Grandparents Visit

Grandma Dooley came to for an extended visit in which we kept her real busy since Shane also timed out breaking his collar bone the day after I got out of the hospital. She has taken him to school a couple days. I told him to get a picture riding to school with his mom and to not forget his book bag, but I am not sure he thought it was quite as funny as I did. So sorry everyone for missing that photo opportunity, but I still have a picture of the bruise before he went in for surgery.

Battle Wound From Ultimate Frisbee

Everyone who is wondering... Shane did catch the frisbee and his team won. Personally, I think they should have signed it and given it to him.

Shane's father also had shoulder surgery recently, and when he explained to Daphney that she should be careful with his shoulder. She responded, "Oh, did you play frisbee too?"

With all of us crippled people Shane's mother still found time to help the kids learn to make cinnamon rolls. It was really humorous to watch!

Demitri wasn't such a fan of the sticky texture...

 But Daphney and Grandma worked real hard, and I bet you can't tell which half is Daphney's rolls!

Grandpa and Paisley

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