Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Struggle is Real Folks!

Thursday I had all three kids at the grocery store. What is worse than having the candy conveniently located at child's level at the cash register? ... I hate that!

Well having the candy located on the first isle of the store; with this special feature parents get to enjoy children begging for candy the entire way through the store. Of coarse we had to carry the candy around forever because the wrapper happened to rip open in the struggle of peeling it from the kids fingers. But even if it wasn't open we still would have had to buy it, because Daphney chose to hide it in her pants.

 I am just a mean mom who doesn't think we need to buy candy every time we go to the store.

Long story short... That was the longest trip ever, and I was mad at Daphney, embarrassed some, mad at myself for how much I still love the little goon. Swore there would never be anymore candy, trips to the store, OR.... happiness ever.

I chose not to tell my husband about this situation, because he has had a stressful week himself.
And that was going fine.... Until!

Shane- These are good strawberries!
Me- Yeah and I got them on a good sale. I almost bought a ton, but resisted.
Shane- That is okay. You can just stop by again with the kids while you are out tonight.

Oddly, he could tell I was not happy; even though I thought I was hiding it so well. When he got home from work he offered to order Chinese food to make my day a little better.

We had two fortune cookies so we split the fortunes, and I cracked and read aloud Daphney's and my fortune. "Struggle hard for the things you believe in."
-Really!!! Not only struggle but struggle HARD?!?!

Then I read Demitri and Shane's "You enjoy sunshine and fresh air."
- Why couldn't we have gotten that glorious fortune?!

1 comment:

  1. Keep at it. I am sure that Grandmary would understand your day as I can remember that she threatened us with never ever going in a store with her ever again.
