Saturday, April 9, 2016

Two Zoo Trips

All Ready For the POOL!!
Paisley loved the pool,
weird since she doesn't love baths.
This month we were able to go on a mini vacation and expose our kids to the "high life"- staying in a hotel. They loved it!!!   I on the other hand kept losing things there. For example my contact container lids disappeared and I couldn't find them anywhere! I finally gave up the search. and went to bed. In the morning I couldn't find my flip flips to go down and eat breakfast. That is when Daphney ran to the mini fridge and pulled them out saying, "well they are a little chilly mom..." Before we left Demitri kindly opened the cd player and handed me my contact container lids! -"Here mom." Really kids... I can honestly say I love not living in a one bedroom house. 

This might be more effective
 had we packed the two back wheels...

Second Zoo Trip: Just mom and the kids.

      Did I mention we love the zoo?! Here is a picture of us waiting in the car for a minute on account of it was raining. I was debating whether cool mom's or crazy mom's take their kids to the zoo in the rain?

It actually turned out to be really fun at the zoo when it is rainy because weirdly there are no lines and you can park next to the entrance. The animals were really friendly, because there weren't a bunch of people. We loved getting to see that super cute baby Kangaroo and its momma.

Daphney's favorite animals are tapirs, red panda, vultures, and sea lions. 
We got to take pictures by the last two favs. 

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