Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Never Too Much Fun!

Not sure my kids know exactly how cool their mom really is?!! My dad said all I need to do is stick the stem up my nose to make it stay.... He is pretty cool too!
Sorry just had to include that little nugget of goodness from the trip!

So we had a pass to ride as many rides as we wanted as many times as we wanted. Our kids took full advantage of that!  

Another place I personally love is the llama farm. So I was trying to take a selfie with Paisley and it was going really well until the llama decided to sniff my daughter who luckily did not smell tasty! Yikes!! Funny now a little scary then!
 A good foot and a half distance.... BAMB Kissing a llama. #he went the full 100%
So from then on Daphney was in charge of keeping Paisley safe and showing her all the llamas. 

Utah with Cousins!

So on our trip we bummed off of anyone that would let us stay at their house. So sleeping arrangements were sometimes quite creative. At Shantay's she has a little closet for storage under her stairs complete with a child sized door and even light inside it. Paisley's new room- our little Harry Potter!!

How is it that babies are born loving babies?! I wonder why they do?

This was Paisley's big helper cousin. She was always looking out for her. Demitri found the perfect spot to have early morning scripture study (between the parking lot and the road looks safe right?).
This is our sweet Daphney that freaks out occasionally about every day things like getting her picture taken. Obviously I don't do it enough... ;) Everyone in that office was covering their ears while the lady snapped this one for the pass card. This is the best one we could get. 
Demitri loved all the different bed arrangements but most often made caves to sleep in. My little caveman!

This is a giant jungle gym made only for little kids so if you are six foot tall don't attempt to take four kids that like to head in different directions up there- they are much quicker.

These pics are from the museum of curiosity which I love. So many rooms to explore.

Sunday, July 10, 2016


So turns out that I made this video to send to Shane so he could see what we were doing on vacation while he was slaving away back at home working... The first minute is from our trip getting to Idaho and the last minute is our adventures in Idaho. 

In Idaho we spent one day picnicking with Shane's grandma "Playdough" (The best my kids can say). She prepared a ton of wonderful food and thought of everything like a pro parent- you know napkins and such. However, the wind was terrible that day, and I spent most of my time chasing the napkins, plates, and food as they flew towards the lake my kids were currently drowning in rather than eating. For some reason now that my child thinks she can "swim"(at the time she could only kick backwards with a jacket on) she isn't afraid of the water at all. She threw all of the sand toys into the lake like you would a pool and I had to run around and try to catch them, but not having my swimming suit on, because we were supposed to be eating some were lost to sea. My daughter wanted to rescue them and I tried to explain to her that we couldn't because of the boats out there, and she exasperatedly cried out, "but we have to TRY!"
We ended the day with the kids trying superman ice cream which is Shane's favorite and discussing details for Grandma Playdough's funeral. What a hoot!! She is having a lot of fun
  planning her own party for when she dies.

Check these out! Adults can ride these and they are so fun, but there definately is a learning curve. Demitri and I rode them in the backyard while the sprinkler was going so if you weren't fast enough you got soaked. 

Next Stop

 Welcome to Cheyenne Wyoming!
 The crooked head thing is genetic I think. Heidi and I used to always get into trouble for it.
 In Cheyenne we explore some of the botanical gardens. I think there was a ton that we didn't see but we stayed in the children's part. They were real laid back and allowed the kids to wade in where ever and create fun.

 Demitri loved the Teepees and drums even though turns out I have never explained Indians for them. You can't pass through Wyoming without that lesson.

This is the checkerboard table that relaxed parents can play on while their perfect children play on the three story tree house. My kids take more supervision....

It is all about the stops...

Don't worry I won't share about the gas station stops. 

I loved this stop along the way. This is Yanney Heritage Park in Kearney Nebraska. If you are traveling on 80 this is a must stop place because it is fun for the kids and right off of the interstate. 
There are two interactive splash pads and three park areas to choose from. We did not do this, but you can rent paddle boats and kayaks at the office there to take out on the lake. It was a beautiful stop and a great place for a picnic. 

This is a random tower they have built there because we don't have mountains to hike in the midwest...?