Wednesday, November 13, 2019


I have the best daughter! Today we worked on sewing a gift for one of Daphney's friends. Daphney was in heaven. She had to keep taking breaks to journal about it. I am just that much fun!! Consequently it is very up to date like a news real. It has sentences like "10 minutes have past and we are now pinning a lot." Then it also has random ps sentences in the middle of the story to tell you cutsie things. I can't get enough of these sentences... ("ps. I hope me and mom can do this more often.... I hope the rest of my week is like this! So much fun.) Isn't she funny. My favorite sentence though is (I am makeing 2 or 3 mistakes, but everyone makes mistakes.)

It was nice that she was always excited to write so that I could have transition periods to set things up.

Then she brought me her journal and said, "This is the sloppy copy. Here is a different colored pen. Can you read it and make corrections? Then I will rewrite it into a book kind of like a chapter book because there are no pictures."

Isn't she the coolest! She is doing amazing things!

ps. You should see her to do lists she writes for before school. They are like fifteen lines long with one being hug mom! I would say easy child but no child is easy. Definitely a blessed child!

Pss. Yes I just journaled about her journaling.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Knowing the Answer

After ten years I like to think I know my husband. So tonight I was ready.... Ready with the answer, a secret he had entrusted me with since our time dating. Although I was surprised he was divulging this information in front of strangers I  was proud to be the one to know him so well. What great pride it would bring me to share with everyone his big secret.
     But I was WRONG!

This evening we had invited the sister missionaries over to eat dinner with us. We took turns guessing their favorite princesses. Paisley hit the mark on her first try and the missionary admitted to snow white. The next missionary was a smart brunette and also happened to be wearing gold so I guessed Bell. We were two for two. The kids began sharing their favorite princesses. Daphney of coarse had about seven favorites. 

Finally Shane asked the question: "Paisley do you know what my favorite princess is?" As keeper of that secret I excitedly prepared to share the answer that only I would know! -But I waited for Paisley. She got that sparkle in her eye and the smile about burst from her face. She jumped in her chair as she yelled, "ME!"

There was no denying that one. "Um... Exactly right Paisley!"

We love our little princess. She is quite the entertainer and melts the heart of every guest we invite over. She has a sweet gift of love, innocence, and conversation.

Last week I held Paisley as she was interviewed. Paisley answered the questions so they were her answers and what she believed to be correct. But as her mom I realized I knew her better than she did. Paisley answered questions based on what she had recently been thinking about or what she could currently see. Four answers seemed to be about the two pet frogs my kids recently caught. Apparently her greatest success... The interviewer asked, "What is hard for you?" - "Being under that table there is scary." I am not sure she has ever been under it but she could see it in the room.
It made me proud to finally know someone so well that even though the interviewer and the interviewee had an honest conversation, I knew the real Paisley. I am so grateful I have parents both earthly and Heavenly that know me. When I get blinded by the current big trial or success or that I can't see beyond the here and now I can turn to them to remind me who I really am and what my focus should be.  Being a parent is such a blessing.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

I Love You Growth

        My newly wed sister is constantly bragging about how great marriage is... and her husband that left her the cutest encouraging note... and today he folded the towels on her bed to look like birds reminding her of their honeymoon... and cleaned the house. Her picture text was accompanied with the phrase. 

#"When you already live in heaven."....  

       It has touched my tuckered out heart and caused me to reminisce. I did those super cheesy things like writing  "11 reasons I love you", a note to celebrate the day 11-11-11. I remember crying as I walked to college classes knowing I wouldn't see my husband the ENTIRE day. I remember wondering what the point of marriage was if we would spend our days apart locked in different labs to study. Yes I was cheesy, I was young, I even worried if we were to get married would we become less close and not need each other as much. 
I had seen married couples that functioned withOUT texting throughout class. Would we become that?

On my wedding day I overheard my sweet-grandpa-Bill take Shane by the shoulder and say, "Boy you think you love her now? You just wait..." Because of my mindset on marriage and wondering how it could ever get better than this I couldn't help but continue to mull over this conversation for what has now been nine years.


Today as I am writing this it is past eight-o-clock and I still wonder if maybe my husband might make it home earlier than normal. I don't cry like that young college girl used to. Why?

        I know that when I truly need my husband he will be there and he will cover 100% of our responsibilities if needed. 

        I know that I am strong and can be trusted with covering 100% of our responsibilities if needed. 

That trust is something gained through trials. A love born from the struggle of trying to have kids, the struggle of having kids, the struggle of finding a job, the struggle of having a job that asks too much. Trials have helped me to love more deeply while relying on each other and taking a step into the dark. 

Recently I broke my leg and the way I showed Shane today that I loved him is I never gave up. 
 I cried as I struggled to mop up with my one good leg the pond of cranberry juice, popcorn grease trail, and shattered glass. (All three of which are hazardous on my crutches. Thanks kids.) I yelled... I got frustrated... I apologized... But I fought. The days are hard but nothing says I love you more than not giving up on the priorities we have together. 

       Shane and I are more bonded in purpose than ever and yes we can function even apart. We both fulfill responsibilities beyond our own capabilities and have to rely on each other and our Savior and that is where I see the love. 

I LOVE YOU is in the struggle and dedication of a diligent spouse. This kind of love is the cake and is so substantial.

But the adorable make me sick love is the icing and should be sprinkled on with a heavy hand.