Sunday, November 10, 2019

Knowing the Answer

After ten years I like to think I know my husband. So tonight I was ready.... Ready with the answer, a secret he had entrusted me with since our time dating. Although I was surprised he was divulging this information in front of strangers I  was proud to be the one to know him so well. What great pride it would bring me to share with everyone his big secret.
     But I was WRONG!

This evening we had invited the sister missionaries over to eat dinner with us. We took turns guessing their favorite princesses. Paisley hit the mark on her first try and the missionary admitted to snow white. The next missionary was a smart brunette and also happened to be wearing gold so I guessed Bell. We were two for two. The kids began sharing their favorite princesses. Daphney of coarse had about seven favorites. 

Finally Shane asked the question: "Paisley do you know what my favorite princess is?" As keeper of that secret I excitedly prepared to share the answer that only I would know! -But I waited for Paisley. She got that sparkle in her eye and the smile about burst from her face. She jumped in her chair as she yelled, "ME!"

There was no denying that one. "Um... Exactly right Paisley!"

We love our little princess. She is quite the entertainer and melts the heart of every guest we invite over. She has a sweet gift of love, innocence, and conversation.

Last week I held Paisley as she was interviewed. Paisley answered the questions so they were her answers and what she believed to be correct. But as her mom I realized I knew her better than she did. Paisley answered questions based on what she had recently been thinking about or what she could currently see. Four answers seemed to be about the two pet frogs my kids recently caught. Apparently her greatest success... The interviewer asked, "What is hard for you?" - "Being under that table there is scary." I am not sure she has ever been under it but she could see it in the room.
It made me proud to finally know someone so well that even though the interviewer and the interviewee had an honest conversation, I knew the real Paisley. I am so grateful I have parents both earthly and Heavenly that know me. When I get blinded by the current big trial or success or that I can't see beyond the here and now I can turn to them to remind me who I really am and what my focus should be.  Being a parent is such a blessing.

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