Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Baking Cookies!

Daphney and I baked cookies but we could not help but take some pictures of our excitement for the cookies while they cooked and finally cooled off. What a fun time with this sweet child!

This pictured reminded me of the following video, "Continue in Patience". Can we be patient and wait to watch the power of the Lord? 
Recently I was talking to someone who was concerned that when her friends made righteous decisions they might not quickly be able to see the blessings and fall away back into poor habits. She wanted to be able to promise them that they would see the happiness quickly. What a righteous and noble concern for others! While pondering this conversation I remembered a verse Mosiah 2:21. I love the part where it states that we are being lent breath that is not our own, and then what comes next is amazing.... "He is lending us breath that we might live and move and do according to our own will." It is amazing to me that our agency is so important to our Father in Heaven. We as God's children have all been blessed with blessings and the gift of salvation that we have not earned. Not just the righteous are blessed and not just the wicked are punished. The rain falls on all. I know that if people are immediately blessed for their righteous efforts then there would be no need for faith and I am grateful for God's mercy in allowing us to have to wait so that we might grow and continue to reach out in faith. 


  1. Katie you are an amazing mother! Keep it up. What a blessing you are to your and our family. Love you a bushel and a peck.

  2. Aw thanks Dad! Best Comment EVER! I must have had great parents to learn from. :D
