Wednesday, December 16, 2015

This Is How We Roll

Boy and his "Raw Raw"
A box of monkeys!

1.)Yes it is winter.
2.) Yes I do have the pic of them both eating off the same Popsicle but I am saving it for blackmail.
3.) And yes even the outside walls of our house are covered in chalk drawings, (My painting chore is like unto your dishes chore. =DAILY NEED) It is the life of a stay at home artist mother. 
This is how Demitri wanted his picture taken...

Party in Mom's Bed

This was always fun growing up, and quite different as the mom but still fun once you give up on the idea of sleep. 

Demitri's Birthday

Decided to try a fruit pizza instead of cupcakes since the icing is all he eats anyways... :D

Happy little two-year-old!
He had lots of help opening his presents!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Another Dose of Paisley

Toddlers Definition of Mother

Mother daughter relationships... this particular point I was valuing my individual time with my eldest.  One on one times are so presious that I really wanted to think of a question to get to know her and how she was doing not just the usual go to-"what is your favorite color?"

I turned the car radio off and decided I would let her take control of the direction of conversation. I lovingly asked, "Daphney what would you like to talk about?"
To which she responded I don't want to talk about anything... zero. I will just yell loud when I want you to wipe me.

Alright then I will leave ya alone if that is all you need from me. :D she is as much fun as a goldfish.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Halloween 2015

Shane: Spider
Katie: Butterfly
Daph: Ladybug/ Butterfly
Demitri: Bumble Bee
Paisley: Caterpillar

Daph was positive she was a butterfly this Halloween and I didn't want to work too hard to correct her, because her costume was cute and I didn't want to come up with a different costume. So as we went around to houses people would say, "Oh, what a cute lady bug and she would look up at them like are you crazy I am clearly a butterfly." We thought she was silly but wanted her to be whatever she wanted. (Why couldn't there be a red and black spotted butterfly?) However, I about died when she saw Demitri's costume and complained that she didn't want him to be a bumble bee but a ladybug because she likes ladybugs. I still couldn't convince her that she was one though...

Who doesn't make their kids play educational games in order to eat their Halloween candy?! :D

Fall Family Fun

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

First Hair Cut!

With the addition of another child we have been trying to make sure that each kids are adjusting well and still getting enough one on one parental attention. As part of my birthday Daphney and I went to get our hair cut. I was worried it would be a bad experience (anything like taking her to the doctors...) but the hardest part was getting her to sit still and stay out of things while I was getting my hair cut. Daphney loved it and was ready to do it again the next day. We will see if she ever let's mom just cut it again.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Blessing Day

Grandparents Visit

Grandma Dooley came to for an extended visit in which we kept her real busy since Shane also timed out breaking his collar bone the day after I got out of the hospital. She has taken him to school a couple days. I told him to get a picture riding to school with his mom and to not forget his book bag, but I am not sure he thought it was quite as funny as I did. So sorry everyone for missing that photo opportunity, but I still have a picture of the bruise before he went in for surgery.

Battle Wound From Ultimate Frisbee

Everyone who is wondering... Shane did catch the frisbee and his team won. Personally, I think they should have signed it and given it to him.

Shane's father also had shoulder surgery recently, and when he explained to Daphney that she should be careful with his shoulder. She responded, "Oh, did you play frisbee too?"

With all of us crippled people Shane's mother still found time to help the kids learn to make cinnamon rolls. It was really humorous to watch!

Demitri wasn't such a fan of the sticky texture...

 But Daphney and Grandma worked real hard, and I bet you can't tell which half is Daphney's rolls!

Grandpa and Paisley

The Epic Briar Patch

[no words....]

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Proud Builder

Sibling Fun

In preparation for Paisley's birth the two kiddos worked hard using crayons, markers, and stickers to create pictures to give her for her birthday. It kept them busy for a long time. :)

Demitri finally got his alone time to hold Paisley where he didn't have to take turns!

Daphney is a very proud big sister who loves caring for her little sister.

The kids had their first movie party together, and watched Tangled! Lets get real- Paisley only lasted 5 minutes. :)

The things these kids come up with!


Friday, October 16, 2015

Paisley's Birth Story

Good News: Paisley was born without any ambulance trips with two toddlers, and my husband was there!

The day Paisley was born was three days before her due date. Shane was at school an hour north and I sat around trying not to move too much so as to not dislodge her. As the time for Shane to return home approached I began gaining confidence that he would not miss it and preceded to clean the house and take the kids to the park with a playgroup. All this time I had consistent contractions similar to those I had been feeling all month. Shane had called and said that he was going to stay for an important conference; however he had told me to keep him up to date because he would a million times prefer a false alarm than to miss the baby's birth so I called him around three and told him I had three contractions that were roughly 9 minutes apart and he told me to go to the hospital and decided to head for home. I disagreed and argued that the contractions had been 4 minutes apart several times this pregnancy and we had plenty of time and who knows if this is even real labor... (You feel pretty stupid when you don't even know if you are in labor or not.)

Anyways I have amazing friends that showed up shortly to take my kids away and drive me to the hospital. I was only there for a long 20 minutes when Shane showed up, and things really got moving after that. My water ruptured by itself and my doctor luckily opted to not stop for a sandwich and soda on his way in (I am not quite sure why he choose to share that decision with me at this stressful time..). My epidural only worked on my right side of my body so I kept pushing the "magic" more drugs button, but alas sadly the right side was very numb and the left didn't really seem to change much. However, this was kind of the best of both worlds because I was able to feel the pain and that gave me plenty of motivation while still dulling the pain on the right.

She weighed 7 lbs and was 19 inches long. She was a beautiful dark haired baby that was healthy and able to stay in my room from birth! The hospital was having a baby boom that day and had a record number of people deliver, so that some families were expanded into another floor of the hospital. Shane also had two cousins (one on each side) that had babies on that day. And, Paisley marks the 50 great-grandchild for his maternal grandparents by like an hour... This was our first non-jaundice baby and that was wonderful. The only thing we had to do was get her tongue untied. While there they made me fill out past history paperwork that didn't really make since for new-borns like how much did she weigh last year, and does she wake up frequently.

We love having her apart of our family, and I am in total amazement of the ability to create life. What a blessing!