Saturday, January 9, 2016

Adjusting Preparedness

I am constantly trying to learn how to manage having multiple children and still find time for myself and my husband to get out like normal human beings. Sometimes I feel like I am really making headway, but then something shifts like my kids learn a new skill like climbing, or have a new dream I need to protect them from like swinging through trees or riding elephants (Yes that is the current toddler obsessions).

Honestly my life is much like Pocahontas' life...

"What I love most about rivers is:

You can't step in the same river twice

The water's always changing, always flowing"

When dealing with these growing kids often what worked yesterday is not the same today!  No groundhog days, no predetermined schedules, because it is sure to change. 

And with this change I am excited about what might come next but also nervous about what is waiting for me just around the river bend

Just Around the Curtain... Waiting For Me:

On this particular day I was playing church volleyball. This is a pretty common occurrence and I have found many different ways to occupy my kids during this time so I can have a few moments of valued adult play.  This time I miscalculated... 

Instead of being in full view on a stage like normal -on account of bringing new Christmas scooters with us and the hazardous 4 foot drop- we put the kids in a side room with a large curtain separating us. When my two year old son grew tired of scooters he moved onto coloring which inevitably made his sister and the other two kids want to steal the coloring book since I again miscalculated and only brought one coloring book. I told Daphney to tear out some pages and the hollering dissipated so I figured all was well.  

Again a miscalculation.... [Silence is a double edged sword]!

At the end of our game I ventured a look behind the curtain, and I saw the two three year old girls coloring nicely together with the coloring book and then I saw the younger two children one of which was my son. These two had obviously been denied an option to color on the coloring book and had kindly taken to decorating the church wall with crayon. I approached my son trying to remain calm and figure out how a good mom would handle this situation with love and the appropriate discipline and a pinch of possible natural man. However, what I had prepared got thrown out the window as my son excitedly pointed at the wall and his eyes glistened as he proclaimed with urgency in his voice, "Jesus, JESUS." I stood there too shocked to say anything as he continued as if I didn't understand the red scribbles were really a wonderful mural of Jesus. 

Out of embarrassment the other mom and I made a quick pack to not let anyone else know. However, my daughter and her best friend wasted no time, and quickly spread the word of the kids misdoings so I guess it is now fair game for the blog.

Another day additional judicial adjustments will be made and crayons will only be used in full view. 
ps. Thank goodness we didn't have to redo the wallpaper and the wall was cleaned to perfection in time to go home and feed Paisley.

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