Monday, August 29, 2016

Girls Day Out!

Vocal Point came to IOWA!! 

Visit From Holly!

Jumping Waves and Building Sand Castles
The week with Holly was a party! Birthdays were celebrated several times all week. Camping went as well as could be expected with the kids sleeping underneath Holly's cot because of lack of space. 

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Cabin Fun

 I think one of the most important things for children is allowing them to just do nothing!! I am amazed what creative fun things they come up with when there are no set rules. So many hours those couple of days were spent playing in the dirt. Some of their favorite activities were collecting snacks in the buckets of the tree house which Grammy had to keep replenishing and playing on the tire swing and building fires in the dirt.

My dirty Demitri! Grandpa washed my kids feet just like he used to wash mine.

Fourth Birthday

Her party was supposed to be wonderful! Everyone was going to wear their swimming suits and play in kiddie pools, slip and slides, and with water balloons. We were also going to hang up water color paintings on the fence to have little studio areas. Lastly we also had a few ice activities to complete the water experience. Most importantly it was outside and mess containable.. :D

So the party... Well the best way to explain it is that my mother in law afterwards said and I quote, "Well if there is ever a natural disaster we will put you in charge." I guess that means my party was the equivalent of a natural disaster. :/ But that is okay- pretty much just another day in the sunbeam class Shane and I teach. Lots of chaotic learning.

And in my defense the party was a celebration of all things water and it got rained out. YAY Water!! So last minute I had to wing it and plan a party as I went... Some things I was able to still do just not as cute and planned out as I had it in my head.

Accepting the four year old lifestyle:

So I told Daph the other day that she should obey. "Four year olds are obedient." - She kept happily doing what she was doing. In astonishment I said Daphney I told you not to do that, and she replied also in astonishment of my anger, "But mom I am not four yet!"

The morning of her real birthday not the party day which was a few days earlier I was really excited; obedience starts today! We were texting Heidi and Abi and Daphney said Guess what I am going to be four, and I said no daph you are four today- it is your birthday, and she said no mom I am not four until I get cake!" - I had not planned to make another cake.... 

On her real birthday we went swimming and Shane was helping her put on her swimming suit and he said Daphney you don't have underwear on, to which she said, "hmm.. yeah sometimes four-year-olds don't wear underwear."
Haha she has learned to use my tricks to benefit herself. 

For her birthday Daphney got to build her baby crib with her Granddad. Both her and Demitri love helping in the shop. They always have lots of candy, snacks, and drinks. My favorite tradition is they each get hammers and smash peanut shells to eat. What great wood workers. 

Who doesn't let their newly four year old paint in his or her Sunday best?

Garden Harvesting

Another important thing I think in a child's life is learning how to work hard as a family. Now some of my favorite memories from growing up are harvesting loads of corn, picking apples from trees, and when we all had to work together to paint the garage. I remember how hard it was, but things just get goofy and fun after the point of desperation. lol
Here Grandad is harvesting his onion rows, and he just had to sit there while the kids ripped the onions out and carried impossibly large handfuls back to him to cut the tops off.  They were a big help I think....

Daphney could hardly contain herself. We had just gotten back from Colorado late at night but bright and early she woke up and came into my parents bedroom. "I got to get out to the garden. I have lots to do before it gets too hot."

This boy doesn't love pictures much anymore. But I had to sneak one  [a couple] of this boy working so hard. The garden should really be a lot closer to the house....

Teaching is Going... [Well?]

So, small break to bring you some of the funny teaching moments in my life that are littered amongst all the summer fun. 

From the mouth of babes:
I have really been working with Daphney to help her understand that we all need to be happy not just her and about how her actions affect other people (mostly my happiness- lets be honest). Anyways, tonight I put all three kids to bed and after a ridiculous amount of "oh mom I need... ___" from all of my kids, I told Daphney, "do not come out of your room for anything okay?! I work all day doing everything for everybody else, taking care of you, your brother, your sister, and now I need some alone time where I take care of myself." Daphney looked concerned from the moment I said alone. (I am not sure at what age alone switches into such a great thing.)  She responded, "But, Mom what are you going to do?" I started to get all worked up and said  "Whatever I want!" And she quickly cut in, "But like go to the potty?" Yes, dear that is one of the many things I would love to do alone and now that I have free time I can." REALITY

My son is quickly claiming the role of one liners that are really inadvertently funny. He also is really good at picking up words that are not appropriate. For example, He off handedly told my mom, “You stupid little worm Gwammy.” And another time he told Paisley, “you are just a little burp.” When he and Daphney get really mad they say “I dip you with Ketchup!”
This last weekend, the three kids were in their car seats and I hear Demitri tell Paisley, “Come here little buddy, don’t be shy.” Haha

I do my best to train him to be a sweet little boy. I even let him watch a movie of the Book of Mormon stories on repeat. I figured how could that go wrong, until I saw him hitting the floor with his bat saying, “Lies, just a bunch of lies.” Way to go my son! Act out the part of Laman and Lemuel beating up Nephi. That is who I was hoping he would emulate right?

Lastly I have been trying to help him learn to use his words to communicate his needs rather than bawling or yelling or all those fun things. He is starting to get it, but with some kinks.

This morning we were chilling in the car because it was super early and my kids were keeping the whole camp ground awake. So Demitri was trying to shut the door by himself and was getting frustrated and just started proclaiming in a growly voice "freak out! Freak out!" Haha so much better than actually freaking out! 😇

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Fourth of July Family Pictures

Fourth of July would not be complete without stripping the kids of their right to wiggle and getting family photos!

Some day we will be able to take a cousin picture without props...

Funny Momentos

I love rainy days at the zoo. I am a people hater I guess and the rain always scares them away even though part of the day is perfectly dry. This time however it was pouring most of the time...
We found some coloring sheets and Daphney sulked away into the corner proclaiming her desire to be alone. Turns out it was just away from me, because sweet partner Demitri quietly walked over and sat behind her so she could lean against him while she colored. I sat there while my two children took care of themselves. 

 This is Daphney's look of defeat- "Mom I almost drowned!" #ObliviousFutureOlympian

Vacation with Abi

 So many memories I would love to have replayed as adults.

A family heritage of gathering around swings.