Saturday, December 10, 2016

Sour Patch Kids

 Raising kids is not what I expected it to be. It is hard. It is everyday. I hate the moments when I am so lost, and have no idea what I am doing. Kids are tough (on you and your house), but oh how they make me smile both in the sweet times and the sour. Love my sour patch kids!

Demitri told me how great my clothes looked while referring to the dirty pile on the floor by my bed. I laughed and said, "Thanks son, you are too sweet." He looked frustrated and proudly said, "NO! I am a little BAD!" haha okay son!

He is constantly telling me "Mom, watch me!" and then running into the wall or crashing into the nearest object. I am hoping it is a phase... but we decided to pad him up today to let him crash in style. My favorite part is the pillow and that he is too young yet to be too cool for it. He was so proud of himself when he finally stood up and he has already made great progress. However, if he thinks about smiling- he falls.

Okay here is a sweet and sour moment... Daphney and Demitri love to "decorate" (usually it is followed with a long cleaning session for me). With Christmas company coming they decorated the doors and apparently the tape roll got stuck down so yes they did resort to GLUE for some, and yes look closely those shoes have AMPLE amounts of GLUE!
It is DADA ART- Duchamp would have been proud!

Yesterday, I was explaining to Shane about how Daphney struggled some at play group because she was being clicky and not including all the kids. She would walk around in a line with all the girls and say only girls can hold hands. I explained to Shane how this made the boys feel bad and start crying... I added emphasis where needed since I could see Daphney was listening. Soon she cut in- "Yeah dad, mom got mad." I asked her, "So what did we learn from this Daphney?" to which she chanted, "We always have to hold boys hands!" 
Oh NO wait maybe we can go back to not playing with the boys! lol

Then there are the sweet moments: Daphney was helping me fold laundry and out of the blue said, "Mom, I will miss you when you die, because I love you and you are the best mom in the world!" That is how I [they] survive the sour moments. :D

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