Quality Pics: Paisley may not have as many pics as her siblings, but each photo she kills!
What would the park trip be without making the dog do everything with us?!
Demitri pushed Paisley down the slide on her belly, because she was hesitating. However, she loved it and kept doing it over and over! Brothers help us learn life is fun head first!
Daphney asked me the other day, "mom, do we go to home depot when we die? haha not sure what she thinks heaven is. #proud dad
We love Paisely! However, the other day Demitri was mad at Paisley because she was sitting in his chair at the table so he came over and yelled at her, "Get out of my chair, or I will blow you over!" He then proceeded to blow air with big puffy cheeks just like a big bad wolf.... Paisley just stared at him like he was crazy.
The kids are playing under the pool table. Both were using Twinkies to pretend they were talking to their friends. Demitri loves tight cozy places like this, and he now sleeps under his bed.
Happiness always involves a cat and succor!
Demitri bites his succors and wastes no time in demolishing them. Grandad gave him one as we were leaving and we hadn't even left the parking lot before he was done.
Things are different in a small town. For example:
1.) You can be the only ones in a movie theater! Paisley was able to run around willy nilly in the dark and we didn't have to worry about anything- except for her running into chairs. We saw Moana in 3D! And yes that is how Demitri wore his glasses most of the movie so it is fitting for the photograph. 

2.) You can be the only ones that show up for story time! We showed up and told the lady excitedly that we were there for story time to which she responded, "Well we don't normally have it, but I would be happy to read your kids some books! I might have to stop if someone comes in since I am the only one here right now." Isn't that sweet; no service like a small town! We read Big Bear Small Mouse and the lady did a great job on the voices. (Great book for opposites!)

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