Sunday, January 15, 2017

Just Random Updates on the Kids

We went to the dentist the other day... all three kids verse me. The dentists and I normally lose this one, but guess what??! The two older kids went back all by themselves! I had to sneak a picture while waiting for Paisley's turn. So exciting and sad all at the same time! I even had time in the waiting room to play plants vrs. zombies [free time may still exist in my future] and we only got into trouble once from a neighboring office during the wait. = SUCCESS!!

These kids and myself LOVE puzzles!  
Such PRIDE in conquering a tough puzzle!!

Oh and we have the best Pediatrician! All three of my kids were under the table when he came in. So he sat with them on the floor and started the appointment there. Yay! For people who understand kids!

Paisley Loves Music!

Not only can she play the harmonica, but she loves to dance to every jingle, song, or hymn. Seriously, even strapped down in her car seat she is always head banging or bobbling.

                                                                  Love those tippy toes!

"Your Birth Control"- Just another day in our lives!

On Saturday my wonderful husband knowing I was in a "bad mood" told me I had an hour in which he would do whatever I wanted before heading into work. He also told me I could buy an outfit today; lol-I told him he could not buy my happiness! I was wrong I now think I will go ahead and buy a STORE.     I put him to work and he was just about done cleaning up the basement insulation from last week mishap, what Demitri calls, "Carving pumpkins and making sleeping bags!"  So it goes without saying Shane wasn't in the best mood at this particular point either!
That is when...

1.) a sharp crash came from Daphney's room. (Over Christmas we went to a white elephant gift exchange where kids are pretty much an anomaly. There they were kind/inexperienced enough to allow the kids to participate and kind/experienced enough to set the rule that you couldn't steal from the kids. However, my daughter of coarse chose the biggest Christmas bag I have ever seen and won two lamps, a couple bags, and a can of Lysol. A kind man tried to relieve her of that present, partly because he wanted it and partly I think to allow her to pick again, but Daph was embarrassingly in tears and holding firmly to the fact that she indeed was a kid and was not supposed to be stolen from.)

It was this beloved lamp that had broken by the wrath of Demitri. The glass lamp shade was now shattered across a dirty bedroom. We began cleaning that up, and in order to keep the kids busy and out of the glass I gave them the job to work together to carry a box from the bottom of the stairs up to the top. As we cleaned up the glass I told Shane about reading the Little Mermaid 2 with Daphney and how she thought Ariel was going to need to have a new baby because her daughter was not being obedient! lol I am glad she understands that concept! 

That is when...

2.) Daphney and Demitri busted into the bedroom because Demitri had a bloody nose. Sure enough he had a bloody nose all over the walls and through the hallway and down the stairs. Apparently Daph decided she didn't want help carrying the box and pushed him. So I helped calm Demitri down in the bathroom and clean him up while Shane cleaned the floor. I had Daph and Paisley stay in Daphney's room so they didn't get into the blood. 

That is when...

3.) a sharp crash came from Daphney's room (AGAIN!). I had set that blasted beloved lamp up high, and since it was broken the cord was hanging down rather than nicely tucked away and plugged in. Paisley grabbed it and pulled the lamp which crashed to the floor and now a shattered light bulb littered the previously vacuumed floor. 

I will slide in food, and release my kids when they are ready to reenter society! 

PS. I love this life. Sure it would be nice to have fancy things that don't need a warranty, and silence at least while you are sleeping, but to have a partner and a team that sticks through and laughs together during these rough days is something to fight for! I am so LUCKY!!!


Thank you to all who have talked to me about the company Lularoe. It was a wonderful experience getting to research the company and it felt like I was in school again!

So I took all the people who commented and put their names in a bowl. It was so nice to read names from home even if I didn't know everyone!

Anyways, I was way too nervous and wanted to pick everyone so I made Daphney choose the winner from the bowl!

And the WINNER IS!!!?

Friday, January 6, 2017

Lessons on Life from Kiddos

These kids keep teaching me how to live life and be persistent. 

With the New Year I was thinking about how I want to improve and really I just want to be exactly like my kids!

1.) Don't let the social norms and even what admittedly is defeat be a reason you don't do what you want. If it is something you want to do be persistent, and keep doing it even if it never works out exactly as planned.

Every time we go to the park.... we have to bring the dog! EVERY SINGLE TIME it goes exactly like this. [Sad poor video quality. She always ends up chasing him home.]

I love how Demitri has been so into the phrase "Don't Worry". I am a mile a way, but "Don't worry! I am coming!" I think it is part of his super hero phase.

2.) Don't be too afraid to try something that may make you look crazy and always have a buddy to laugh while "aiding" you.

3.) Don't be a stiff when inspired make up your own moves! #YOLO

We took the family out to eat the other day and while we checked in and told them our party info Daphney ran right up to the bar where she could hear the music real good and started dancing like this. Everyone in the restaurant was amused! She clearly doesn't care that solo dance parties don't normally happen in public.