Sunday, January 15, 2017

Just Random Updates on the Kids

We went to the dentist the other day... all three kids verse me. The dentists and I normally lose this one, but guess what??! The two older kids went back all by themselves! I had to sneak a picture while waiting for Paisley's turn. So exciting and sad all at the same time! I even had time in the waiting room to play plants vrs. zombies [free time may still exist in my future] and we only got into trouble once from a neighboring office during the wait. = SUCCESS!!

These kids and myself LOVE puzzles!  
Such PRIDE in conquering a tough puzzle!!

Oh and we have the best Pediatrician! All three of my kids were under the table when he came in. So he sat with them on the floor and started the appointment there. Yay! For people who understand kids!

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