Wednesday, August 30, 2017

"The Best Day of My Life"

We love when it is warm enough to use the sprinklers and jump on the tramp!

Paisley as the third child does not get all that much documentation of milestones, but when she does get a picture she sure takes advantage of it and kills it every time! 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


 For the solar eclipse we camped out at this really nice rv campground. They had lamas and sheep there to pet, a lake, playground, and SHOWERS! It was wonderful!! The coworker we were meeting there brought in two plasma telescopes that were awesome to look at the sun with in the morning. However, our eclipse was totally cloudy, but we still had fun and eating and celebrating with friends

Gorgeous place right! EXCEPT!!! We were at the park a lone when we found a trail to explore. And of coarse we had to explore it. The trail continued to break up into several trails until we were finally lost and I had three whiny and tired kids who wanted to be held. I later found a map in which that area was labeled Bermudas Triangle, so it wasn't my fault just so you know. But my kids and I loudly sang scripture power all over that hill. This helped us to chase away the fear and yes we did eventually find our way out without a search party. 

Fist Day of School

Happy First Day of School!

First Day: Daphney was so excited!! She was the first one on and she picked a good seat on the bus about two thirds of the way back. And then she was off!

Second Day: The bus came early.... I think it waits outside our door for a few minutes because we are the first ones, but we weren't sure so I told her to grab her shoes and bookbag and I would run up to get her socks. I yelled for her to come get her socks on , but Demitri looked at me like I was crazy and said, "Mom she is on the bus." -sure enough it was pulling away...

Third Day: Me- Daphney you can't just leave without telling me make sure and give me a hug before you go get on the bus okay? Daphney- Okay... Mom! You can't just walk inside after I get on the bus you have to wait and wave! Me- Deal! (She does love me!)

Who sends their daughter to school on the first day with a bubble braid or stegosaurus brain hair. I am sorry... I am sure they were really smart dinosaurs! I kind of like it though!

Daphney- "Mom did you know they don't just speak English at school? Yeah it is really awesome! Like instead of saying park I think they said Recess!"

Everyday before school we have made goals of things to work on like okay today you need to learn one kids name or things like that. Today (fourth day) I told her you need to learn something today okay- "Mom I don't know if we will... We don't really do that. We just play!"

Daphney has one other friend that just moved into our church boundaries, and guess who rides the bus home with her. What a blessing to know someone and have someone to sit with!

Demitri woke up from his nap on the first day and mumbled, "Well I guess Daphney can't party with us, because she is at school..." I am so glad that he finds everyday life at home with me a party!

Daphney's Birthday

Happy Birthday Daphney!

The kids on the new trampoline that they love and consequently I love! What a game changer- we spend so much time reading, coloring, and jumping in the fall sun!

Daphney got to help me make butterfly cakes to eat at the park!

We invited a few families to the park and had a very low key party. But, it was so much fun to be able to invite whole families. 

This girl may have destroyed the left overs!


The other night I had put all the kids to bed and I began to play the song Gethsemane on the piano when Demitri came down and said, "mom can I sing with you?" We spent a good while with him on my lap practicing that song in Demitri's sweet innocent more often than not growly kid voice. That was one of the best moments I have gotten to share with my son, and we might have gone on all night  that way had he not finally begged to be allowed to go to bed. haha 

The "Hard Job"

Okay seriously the other day this man kept laughing at me through the grocery store. Everything was "normal". -Yes I had three kids with me. -Yes they helped fill and unfill the cart as we shopped. -Yes I had no idea what was actually going to make it to the register. -Yes I do notice the people who stop shopping just to watch. BUT IT WAS NORMAL!

He laughed and laughed and threw his hands up in the air saying, "Man it is a hard job but someone has to do it." We finally made it out of the store and the unloading process began.

Daphney, Even commented, "wow mom that man is really happy..."

-AND GUESS who parked right next to us. Laughing man continued to laugh at us as he unloaded and got into his car ten times faster than us.

Maybe someday I will be able to find as much entertainment in life, but I am so grateful that I get to have this quote "hard job"!

"Look mom, I made him batman!"- Daphney

Fourth of July

On the fourth of July my town really comes together and feels united as a community. 
I love celebrating our freedoms!
These are the cute hats we surprised the kids with after our canoe trip. They love them and Demitri calls it his "party hat." This morning he wore his spider man costume and slippers with his party hat and cars loved it and he was so flashy I knew he wouldn't get ran over... Oh and he thinks he has super powers when he wears it because the sequence causes poka-dots to dance all over the walls haha. I would choose to read minds or fly, but poka-dot power is pretty cool too.  

I love my sister. She is always there when I need her despite the distance!

And, these two goodness- they make everything right in the world.
 I am so grateful I have them for parents!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Grandad's Big Helpers

One thing I love about going home is there is always a project 
to teach my kids how to work hard and laugh hard.