Wednesday, April 11, 2018


So the other day I went to Walmart and of coarse I went after the kids were in bed because I am getting smarter. But being an exhausted prego woman I thought I had earned the right to wear my pajama pants (It is either sweats or skirts these days).

I walked in the door and the greeter starts making a big deal about how I should have let her know it was pj day so she could have worn hers. I roll my eyes [Whatever lady] and I just keep going trying to maintain dignity.

I enjoyed the rest of my shopping til I was waiting in the long line at the self check out and heard her yelling across the store from her spot at the door...

"Hey, hey, you! Don't feel bad that you are in your pajamas. You are not the only one. I just saw another and I told her all about you!"

At this point the hoard of people in self check out are all staring at me. Thank you very much!

-If I were to get a job outside of the home I would definitely choose a lab worker at the hospital. I love sitting in there and feeling so normal no matter what I look like. Everyone there looks tired, and in their slippers, and without makeup. It is so REAL and INSPIRING!
#Living without Fluff! #Walmart is too classy for me!

Counting Down Days/Hours till my Hospital Resort

What does 
           39 Weeks Pregnant... with #4...
                                            look like in reality?

Today we went to Daphney's soccer practice and I was so excited because I wanted to not only be there but WATCH it since I will miss her first game due to the baby being born. 
PS. She has had a rough little while as in weeks and has been pretty grumpy, but at practice she was having so much fun and participated in all of practice without complaining about needing a break to rest or drink water (her two favorite parts last season). 

I however spent my time waddling/jogging after Paisley as she dodged players and coaches on other fields who were trying to catch and remove her. I finally had to sit and hold her down because honestly I am a slow chaser. This is when she decided she wouldn't wear her shirt and little boys started making a big deal about the distracting half naked baby. The whole practice ended with her thrashing on the ground half naked and refusing to head to the car and if that wasn't attention grabbing enough the other two were yelling from across the field, "Unlock the car!" I of coarse would have done so just to stop the stares of other parents... had we been close enough to the car, but sadly Paisley and I still had that far to make it. 

We get home and the kids are starving because apparently the dinner I made before soccer practice was not worth trying. So they made their own disgusting Miracle Whip sandwiches while I cleaned up syrup that had spilled in the fridge. Then I heard Paisley yelling I need more sugar! [Correction] Miracle Whip/ 1/2 cup of sugar sandwiches...  I turn around to catch Demitri drinking out of the milk carton.

I hear my mom's voice in my head as she reminded me this morning to take it easy today. Bahaha! Just doing the basics of parenting is not taking it easy.
I can't wait to find out what mom of four looks like!

Monday, April 2, 2018

Fun Stories Update

1.) So, I have been working for four months now, and how do I help you understand working mom life: 

Well my daughter ate a bowl of shredded cheese for breakfast, AND I was so proud she ate it at the table and with a spoon. 

Life is not picture perfect, but we are all learning and loving and pulling together.
So I am perfectly satisfied! 

2.) Daphney was laying on the couch during Conference and says to Shane, "Dad look at my feet don't they look like a butterfly? - Well I mean a butterfly without any wings though?"

 -What is a butterfly without any wings?! Yes just like that dear! :D

3.) The kids got lots of candy =wrappers at the local Easter egg hunt. During conference the kids ate them and I told Demitri to make sure and be careful not to make a mess because we would have to clean those all up. To which he proudly said, "I know mom that is why I am shoving them under the couch see?! 

-Oh yes what a beautiful stash of wrappers. Thanks for your consideration kid.:D