Wednesday, April 11, 2018


So the other day I went to Walmart and of coarse I went after the kids were in bed because I am getting smarter. But being an exhausted prego woman I thought I had earned the right to wear my pajama pants (It is either sweats or skirts these days).

I walked in the door and the greeter starts making a big deal about how I should have let her know it was pj day so she could have worn hers. I roll my eyes [Whatever lady] and I just keep going trying to maintain dignity.

I enjoyed the rest of my shopping til I was waiting in the long line at the self check out and heard her yelling across the store from her spot at the door...

"Hey, hey, you! Don't feel bad that you are in your pajamas. You are not the only one. I just saw another and I told her all about you!"

At this point the hoard of people in self check out are all staring at me. Thank you very much!

-If I were to get a job outside of the home I would definitely choose a lab worker at the hospital. I love sitting in there and feeling so normal no matter what I look like. Everyone there looks tired, and in their slippers, and without makeup. It is so REAL and INSPIRING!
#Living without Fluff! #Walmart is too classy for me!

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