Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Lunch Breaks

I scream you... you scream... we all scream for ice cream.

During lunch yesterday Shane was preparing a pepsi float; two of Daphney's new favorite things. After wading through crocodile tears Shane explained to Daphney that she needed to eat her jelly sandwich before she could have dessert like dad. Two minutes later I look over and one side of Daphney's sandwich is gone. I thought to my detective self, Daphney that was impossibly fast for you. After double searching the trash and all likely hiding places I submitted she must have really taken to heart Shane's talk.

But alas I soon found Demitri's cheesy smile drenched in jelly, and the biggest chipmunk mouthful of this mysterious sandwich. He then proceeded to finish the sandwich. That is my just barely teething son eating like a BEAST!

Chances are Daphney was probably just trying to share, but it cracked both Shane and I up.

It wasn't til I was probably 7 or 8 that I remember figuring out that trick. 

Mom said that we couldn't have this delicious chocolate cake until we had eaten all of our dinner. A giant yellow pile of corn kernels lay between me and my taste buds attached to that cake!

I was halfway through eating my cake when mom finally noticed the pile of corn that I had buried onto Jenny's highchair tray more than tripling the amount that she originally had. Yeah I was an ingenious person who didn't account for how long babies take to eat truck loads of corn.

The Worst Punishment On The Planet:

First my cake was taken away! Next in order to get it back I was forced to eat every now cold nasty played with kernel that Jenny had probably drooled upon.
I never had to relearn that lesson! And you can clearly analysis that my mom made a fantastic cake to cause a germaphobe to sink so low!

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