Thursday, October 9, 2014

What Schedule?

Yesterday a friend asked me to explain what it was like to be a stay at home mom... "Do you like have a schedule?" This morning that question mocks me, and the more I think about it I suppose the real schedule is "24/7 expect the unexpected".

WARNING: Not your typical ideal family/double rainbow kind of story.

Today my schedule involved getting woken up at 4:30 am and struggling to ever get Daphney back to sleep. Finally gave up just before 7 since she was throwing up all over me and on my bed. Gave her some milk and started to put the sheets in the washer. Alas, there is no laundry detergent. Daphney mean while is waking her brother up while she spills her milk in his room. I clean it up... And for good measures she spilled the remaining milk one more time. I clean it up... Shane gets back from teaching seminary and I send him to go buy soap. We go downstairs and have a messy breakfast while Daphney potty trains. On a side note who designs a potty to look like a car anyways, don't the designers know that children will want to drive it around and not be able to find it when desperately needed. Consequently, floor needs recleaned, but the dishes are now done and family room cleaned.
I have Shane move the fridge back over so the broom can slide in to store on the side. After he has left for work I opened the fridge and the things inside it come tumbling out. Including a large Costco sized terriyaki sauce that broke and sauce covers the floor and inside of the fridge. That is really just wonderful!

In the process of cleaning that up my daughter does two things.
1.) Uses a pen to decorate the living room wall
2.) Once again woke Demitri (He is now howling)

She comes downstairs and observes me on my hands and knees covered in terriyaki sauce. So what make s sense for her to do?
Why of coarse she won't stay off of my back, and laughing hysterically that she is on even though I want her off. That is when I gave up and laughed with her.

Well good morning schedule it is now 8:30 am!

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed at your patience. No wonder every one loves you!
