Sunday, April 27, 2014


Today I went to ZUMBA! And danced for 80 minutes straight.

I was terrible at it, because I lack grace and coordination.

It was so freeing when one of the instructors announced that we should make the workout our own as she demonstrated adding style to a move. I loved that! Only problem was everyone still moved around in the same directions; like seriously! What she should have said is make it your own but don't have too much fun to where you run into people.

I learned several things:
1.) Centripetal Force does not work on me as much as everyone else, because somehow they swing their arms impossibly fast. I can't even move that fast; forget doing it on beat.
2.) "Um can you do that body roll in slow motion?" - Maybe I should have trained for the body roll parts.
3.) Don't stand by the old ladies... If they at their age are at this intense Zumba "Party" they are probably way jazzier than you and make you look like weak sauce.
4.) I learned that not everyone has to make sound affects with every move, but I do. I also name every move and yell it out occasionally like I am at a rock concert or something. It is really cool...

It was basically a ton of fun that I will be recovering from for awhile.

1 comment:

  1. I want to do zumba with you! We can run into each other and race at yelling out the moves. Or we'll just giggle enough to not need exercise. I like that idea better.
