Friday, May 30, 2014

Warm Smiles

Summer time is bringing a lot of warm smiles from my babies!

Demitri turned 6 months a few days ago! Over this time he ate his first jar of squash and oh has it been helping him sleep in. Debating giving some to Daphney to see if it works on her too. Here is a picture of Demitri's mobile progress... He started out playing with the ball and by rolling has ended up stuck over there. 
The picture is sideways because I have clearly taken too many pictures and videos and my computer says it does not have enough memory to save it vertical. I think I have a problem!

So have you ever heard that some children don't talk a ton, because older siblings are always doing it for them. Well Daphney is always laughing her crazy giggle, and Demitri is always watching her laugh. So sometimes if we can sit Daphney a little distance away so Demitri doesn't lose focus then he laughs real hard, and it helps that he is super ticklish.

Who wouldn't have lots to smile about with Daphney as a sister? She takes care of him and makes sure he has lots of toys squished in his bouncer with him!

Daphney is now almost 22 months old and she has started copying everything her parents do. She had a picnic outside. You know you have to have a plate for a tortilla. I watched her take a bite and then give one to her baby and then bear. Then she decided it was time to go and strapped her bear into Demitri's car seat.

 As we were getting ready to go yesterday Daphney watched me buckle in Demitri and cover him with a blanket. It wasn't a second later that she was throwing her baby and baby's blanket in on top of Demitri. I grabbed the diaper bag, so she grabbed her suitcase that was still packed from our last overnight trip. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Awkward Pasts Tend to Catch Up With Me

There is a reason I don’t have any ex boyfriends…

I would be an awkward mess if I ever ran into them.

          So there I was with my two kids playing at the park when suddenly I noticed someone from our not so distant past standing near the swings. I began feverishly texting Shane while trying to sneak close enough to identify this potential foe. And everyone knows how wonderful my 6 foot self is at slinking sneakily about the slides. He was distracted by his phone so I came up with   this ingenious idea to take a quick picture on  my cell phone to  text to Shane so I might know whether it was necessary to continue hiding.  Warning if you try this sneaky detective work you might want to turn the sound off of your phone so it does not make a loud clicking sound to indicate that you have snapped a picture. I would have died right then and there with that CLICK, but luckily I had been a scardy-cat so I was still clear across the park and not nearly close enough to get a big enough picture to realize that the silhouette was even a person.

           I decided to take a sleuthing break and check on my daughter… I couldn't believe my eyes; who was she hugging? Of course it would be like Daphney to make friends with “the daughter”. I began to try and lure Daphney away from the other girl without attracting the attention of her father. Needless to say in order to accomplish this I waved Demitri around wildly in the air. It WORKED! Daphney raced over to me; holding the hand of her new friend! I quickly signaled to Daphney that she could hold Demitri if she would come away from this child and slide down the slide. That worked well until the other girl started yelling loudly that she wanted to hold him while she slid down too. I had to let my scary adversary’s daughter hold my son in order to quiet her, but it was too late he was approaching in double time. I knew I was about to get accosted right there in the children’s park, but get this he turns to me and says, “sorry she is forward like her father, and has never met a stranger.” Haha I had never been so excited to be forgotten!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Whistling Ways

This is a super cute video of Daphney again attempting to improve her whistling ability. Unlike previous videos this one is without the help of an actual whistle. I love being able to stay home with these two crazy goons. They are growing up and gaining skills and talents so quickly!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Easter 2014

The Loot

The day before the city hunt we had a mini Easter so Daphney could practice hunting for eggs. After we put an egg practically in front of her nose and shook it she realized that there were candy inside and became excited. I prompted her to find some more that should have been relatively east to find. However, she somehow remembered that there was an Easter Egg wreath and stood over by the door pointing and signing candy.   


Monday, May 12, 2014

Second New Artwork of 2014

So here is the second artwork in this series. First I did Demitri's Giraffe and now I am basically finished with Daphney's Bear. Here is the current picture!

When I was working on the quick pencil sketches for the painting she came over and signed bear. I clearly underestimated her love for bears! I always worked on it while Daphney was sleeping and she would come down so excited to see the bears after her naps. Lately she has been laughing when she sees them; I am not sure if that is a good or bad sign.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Watching Abi

Heidi just posted some really cute videos of Abigail eating baby food. Check them out.

Abi has inspired our whole family to start acting like her whenever we don't want to do something. It is a lot of fun to act out, but even more if you think like me and imagine the song "I put a spell on you" playing in the background whenever you do it.  So here is the song I was thinking of, but I just found this video and my imagination literally exploded! He is totally one of my new idols! I think I just found a new talent for cousin's camp... : )

So anyways the real reason I got on here is to post this response video of Daphney watching Abigail's first video. It cracked me up, because Daphney was so confused the entire video and kept wanting to watch it over and over to try and figure it out. The last few seconds the video is over and Daphney is once again signing "MORE".

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Laundry Day

 Doing laundry is always a spectacular event; mainly because I successfully finish it occasionally. I still am surprised when I finish a load and realize 90% of the clothes fit babies. As you all know I love doing laundry with Daphney (Past Post). However, today's chores were particularly lovely because...

1.) Daphney learned to fold a wash cloth!
2.) Daphney read the Book of Mormon to us while I worked!

I think she is saying "Become a Mormon, because it is loads of fun! You get friends and lots of goldfish and fruit snacks in nursery. It says it right there!"  Kidding aside the videos are sure to make you want to study the scriptures regardless of your religion.

Have you ever gotten that much out of the first few pages. (Especially the first blank page?!) The videos are similar, but I loved them both so don't feel obligated to watch them both but you won't regret it! : D

Monday, May 5, 2014

Picture Day

So I decided that the one thing we had to do on this particular day was to get the kids dressed up and take formal pictures and give them to our family members... 
Well family members they are not coming!

1. & 2.) Started out Cheesy and Happy! 
3. & 4.) Then mom took away the ponytail box.... 
She is our little Ostrich when she is sad.
I thought well maybe it would help if we put Demitri 
in too so she would smile or at least put her head up.


Background: Daphney loves when things hit her or she falls and usually laughs a lot afterwards. That may be something we should look into.. anyways. So after Demitri got too much love in the previous picture he slightly bumped his head on the table. Of coarse Daphney started giggling. I got him calmed down and thought I have to hurry because Daphney is now smiling. Caught this on camera where Daphney decided to help Demitri continue to thump his head against the table. That was a handful!

Those ones aren't too bad!

Daphney Signed- BOOK PLEASE?- "Oh, that might be cute."

Oh Dear... Demitri wouldn't stop eating Daphney's dress 

Okay this one is cute! 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Daphney's Daily Workout

Our Little Duo

Yes, while changing diapers sometimes we do have to wipe down the floor and all the way up to the hair... What a sweet helper Daphney is with Demitri!

Got to Love those LIPS!