Friday, May 30, 2014

Warm Smiles

Summer time is bringing a lot of warm smiles from my babies!

Demitri turned 6 months a few days ago! Over this time he ate his first jar of squash and oh has it been helping him sleep in. Debating giving some to Daphney to see if it works on her too. Here is a picture of Demitri's mobile progress... He started out playing with the ball and by rolling has ended up stuck over there. 
The picture is sideways because I have clearly taken too many pictures and videos and my computer says it does not have enough memory to save it vertical. I think I have a problem!

So have you ever heard that some children don't talk a ton, because older siblings are always doing it for them. Well Daphney is always laughing her crazy giggle, and Demitri is always watching her laugh. So sometimes if we can sit Daphney a little distance away so Demitri doesn't lose focus then he laughs real hard, and it helps that he is super ticklish.

Who wouldn't have lots to smile about with Daphney as a sister? She takes care of him and makes sure he has lots of toys squished in his bouncer with him!

Daphney is now almost 22 months old and she has started copying everything her parents do. She had a picnic outside. You know you have to have a plate for a tortilla. I watched her take a bite and then give one to her baby and then bear. Then she decided it was time to go and strapped her bear into Demitri's car seat.

 As we were getting ready to go yesterday Daphney watched me buckle in Demitri and cover him with a blanket. It wasn't a second later that she was throwing her baby and baby's blanket in on top of Demitri. I grabbed the diaper bag, so she grabbed her suitcase that was still packed from our last overnight trip. 

1 comment:

  1. I love that sweet girl! She is so genuine. And I also love Demetri and how accepting he is of his sister's love. Good thing... turns out! :)
